A program I wrote in a few hours to download every image from a 4chan thread, with multi-thread support.
Download the latest fourchanDownloader at the Releases page
fourchanDownloader is a command-line tool and has 3 command-line options:
-u, --url (Required) - the thread link to download images from
-p, --preserve (Optional, Default: True) - whether or not to preserve original file names or use the 4chan UNIX timestamp to save files
-t, --threads (Optional, Default: 4) - maximum amount of threads to use for simultaneous file downloading
If you wanted to keep the timestamped filenames, use 5 threads for downloading, and download the thread "121221221", you would do as follows:
./fourchanDownloader.exe -u https://boards.4chan.org/b/thread/121221221 -p false -t 5
For basic usage, you only need to use the url parameter.
./fourchanDownloader.exe -u https://boards.4chan.org/b/thread/121221221
Open the solution in src/ and Restore NuGet Packages, then Build as Release.
This software is released under the MIT software license.