solidtime is a modern open-source time tracking application for Freelancers and Agencies.
- Time tracking: Track your time with a modern and easy-to-use interface
- Projects: Create and manage projects and assign project members
- Tasks: Create and manage tasks and assign tasks to project members
- Clients: Create and manage clients and assign clients to projects
- Billable rates: Set billable rates for projects, project members, organization members and organizations
- Multiple organizations: Create and manage multiple organizations with one account
- Roles and permissions: Create and manage organizations
- Import: Import your time tracking data from other time tracking applications (Supported: Toggl, Clockify, Timeentry CSV)
If you are looking into self-hosting solidtime, you can find the guides here
We also have an examples repository here
If you do not want to self-host solidtime or try it out you can sign up for solidtime cloud
This project is in a very early stage. The structure and APIs are still subject to change and not stable. Therefore, we do not currently accept any contributions, unless you are a member of the team.
As soon as we feel comfortable enough that the application structure is stable enough, we will open up the project for contributions.
Looking to report a vulnerability? Please refer our file.
This project is open-source and available under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 (AGPL v3). Please see the license file for more information.