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Willy Wong edited this page Apr 10, 2018 · 59 revisions
Data field Type Description
CIL_CCDB.CIL.Data_types.Still_image boolean It is set to true if it is a 2D image. Otherwise, it's set to false
CIL_CCDB.CIL.Data_types.Time_series boolean It is set to true if it is a 2D image or Z stack image with the time axis. Otherwise, it's set to false
CIL_CCDB.CIL.Data_types.Video boolean It is set to true if it is a video or animation dataset. Otherwise, it's set to false
CIL_CCDB.CIL.Data_types.Z_stack boolean It is set to true if it is a Z stack image meaning that it contains 2D images along the z axis. Otherwise, it's set to false
CIL_CCDB.CIL.Data_types.Still_image boolean It is set to true if it is a 2D image. Otherwise, it's set to false
CIL_CCDB.CIL.Status.Archived_data long It is an optional field. It contains the archival timestamp without time zone.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.Status.Deleted boolean It is set to true if this dataset is logically deleted
CIL_CCDB.CIL.Status.Is_public boolean It is set to true if this dataset is a public dataset
CIL_CCDB.CIL.Status.Last_modified long It is an optional field. It contains the most recent modification timestamp without time zone
CIL_CCDB.CIL.Status.Owner String It is an optional field. It is used internally for identifying who the data owner is
CIL_CCDB.CIL.Status.Rsync_date long It is an optional field. It is used internally for keeping tracking the Rysnc timestamp
CIL_CCDB.CIL.Citation.Title String It contains the citation information for the people who want to cite the CIL
CIL_CCDB.CIL.Citation.ARK String Archival Resource Key
CIL_CCDB.CIL.Citation.DOI String Digital Object Identifier
CIL_CCDB.CIL.Image_files.File_path String It contains the CIL conventional file path such as $ID.tif, $ID.jpg, or $
CIL_CCDB.CIL.Image_files.File_type String It contains the CIL conventional file type such as OME_tif, Jpeg, or Zip
CIL_CCDB.CIL.Image_files.Mime_type String It contains the mime type for the file such as image/tif, image/jpeg, and application/zip
CIL_CCDB.CIL.Image_files.Size long It contains the data size in number of bytes
CIL_CCDB.CIL.Alternative_image_files.File_path String It is an optional field. Alternative_image_files.File_path overwrites Image_files.File_path when the file path does not meet the CIL file convention
CIL_CCDB.CIL.Alternative_image_files.File_type String It is an optional field. Alternative_image_files.File_type overwrites Image_files.File_type when the file path does not meet the CIL file convention
CIL_CCDB.CIL.Alternative_image_files.Mime_type String It is an optional field. Alternative_image_files.Mime_type overwrites Image_files.Mime_type when the file path does not meet the CIL file convention
CIL_CCDB.CIL.Alternative_image_files.Size long It is an optional field. Alternative_image_files.Size overwrites Image_files.Size when the file path does not meet the CIL file convention
CIL_CCDB.CIL.Alternative_image_files.URL_postfix String It is an optional field. URL_postfix is used to compose the downloadable with the prefix,
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.ATTRIBUTION.Contributors String It is an optional field. The author of the dataset
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.ATTRIBUTION.DATE String It is an optional field. "MM/YYYY" is the format
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.ATTRIBUTION.OTHER String It is an optional field. It contains the additional information about the attribution
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.ATTRIBUTION.PUBLISHED String It is an optional field. It contains the publication information.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.ATTRIBUTION.PUBMED String It is an optional field. It contains the PUBMED ID.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.ATTRIBUTION.URLs String It is an optional field. It contains the external hyperlink.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.BIOLOGICALPROCESS.onto_id String It is an optional field. It contains the ontology ID in the biological process domain.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.BIOLOGICALPROCESS.onto_name String It is an optional field. It contains the scientific name in the biological process domain.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.BIOLOGICALPROCESS.free_text String It is an optional field. If no ontology ID is used, this field provides the free text about the biological process in this dataset.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.CELLLINE.onto_id String It is an optional field. It contains the ontology ID in the cell line domain.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.CELLLINE.onto_name String It is an optional field. It contains the scientific name in the cell line domain.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.CELLLINE.free_text String It is an optional field. If no ontology ID is used, this field provides the free text about the cell line in this dataset.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.CELLTYPE.onto_id String It is an optional field. It contains the ontology ID in the cell type domain.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.CELLTYPE.onto_name String It is an optional field. It contains the scientific name in the cell type domain.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.CELLTYPE.free_text String It is an optional field. If no ontology ID is used, this field provides the free text about the cell type in this dataset.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.CELLULARCOMPONENT.onto_id String It is an optional field. It contains the ontology ID in the cell component domain.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.CELLULARCOMPONENT.onto_name String It is an optional field. It contains the scientific name in the cell component domain.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.CELLULARCOMPONENT.free_text String It is an optional field. If no ontology ID is used, this field provides the free text about the cell component in this dataset.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.CHEMICAL_COMPOUNDS String It is an optional field. It contains the information about the chemical compounds.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.DIMENSION.Space.Image_size long It is an optional field. It contains the image size.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.DIMENSION.Space.Pixel_size.value long It is an optional field. It contains the pixel value.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.DIMENSION.Space.Pixel_size.unit String It is an optional field. It contains the pixel unit.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.DIMENSION.Space.axis String It is an optional field. It contains the axis such as X, Y, or Z.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.DIMENSION.Time.value long It is an optional field. It contains the scan duration value.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.DIMENSION.Time.unit String It is an optional field. It contains the scan duration unit.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.DIMENSION.Time.frame String It is an optional field. It contains number of frame in String.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.DIMENSION.Wavelength.value long It is an optional field. It contains the wavelength value.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.DIMENSION.Wavelength.unit String It is an optional field. It contains the wavelength unit.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.DIMENSION.Wavelength.note String It is an optional field. It contains the note about the wavelength.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.GROUP_ID String It is an optional field. The ID is used for grouping a collection of images.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.HUMAN_DEV_ANATOMY.onto_id String It is an optional field. It contains the ontology ID in the human development anatomy domain.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.HUMAN_DEV_ANATOMY.onto_name String It is an optional field. It contains the scientific name in the human development anatomy domain.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.HUMAN_DEV_ANATOMY.free_text String It is an optional field. If no ontology ID is used, this field provides the free text about the human development anatomy in this dataset.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.HUMAN_DISEASE.onto_id String It is an optional field. It contains the ontology ID in the human disease domain.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.HUMAN_DISEASE.onto_name String It is an optional field. It contains the scientific name in the human disease domain.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.HUMAN_DISEASE.free_text String It is an optional field. If no ontology ID is used, this field provides the free text about the human disease in this dataset.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.IMAGEDESCRIPTION String It contains the image description about this dataset.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.IMAGINGMODE.onto_id String It is an optional field. It contains the ontology ID in the image mode domain.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.IMAGINGMODE.onto_name String It is an optional field. It contains the scientific name in the image mode domain.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.IMAGINGMODE.free_text String It is an optional field. If no ontology ID is used, this field provides the free text about the image mode in this dataset.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.ITEMTYPE.onto_id String It is an optional field. It contains the ontology ID in the image type domain.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.ITEMTYPE.onto_name String It is an optional field. It contains the scientific name in the image type domain.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.ITEMTYPE.free_text String It is an optional field. If no ontology ID is used, this field provides the free text about the image type in this dataset.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.MOLECULARFUNCTION.onto_id String It is an optional field. It contains the ontology ID in the molecular function domain.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.MOLECULARFUNCTION.onto_name String It is an optional field. It contains the scientific name in the molecular function domain.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.MOLECULARFUNCTION.free_text String It is an optional field. If no ontology ID is used, this field provides the free text about the molecular function in this dataset.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.MOUSE_GROSS_ANATOMY.onto_id String It is an optional field. It contains the ontology ID in the mouse gross anatomy domain.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.MOUSE_GROSS_ANATOMY.onto_name String It is an optional field. It contains the scientific name in the mouse gross anatomy domain.
CIL_CCDB.CIL.CORE.MOUSE_GROSS_ANATOMY.free_text String It is an optional field. If no ontology ID is used, this field provides the free text about the mouse gross anatomy in this dataset.
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