The Ronin Waypoint Android SDK lets developers integrate the account and wallet features of the Ronin Waypoint service into Android apps developed with Kotlin. After the integration, users can sign in to your game with their Ronin Waypoint account and connect their keyless wallet for instant in-game transactions.
- Authorize users: let users sign in to your app with Ronin Waypoint to connect their keyless wallet and an optional externally owned account (EOA) wallet.
- Send transactions: transfer RON, ERC-20 tokens, and make contract calls for in-game transactions.
- Sign messages and typed data: prove ownership of a wallet or sign structured data.
- Android API level 24 or later.
- An app created in the Developer Console.
- Permission to use Ronin Waypoint. Request in Developer Console > your app > App Permission > Sky Mavis Account (OAuth 2.0) > Request Access.
- A client ID that you can find in Developer Console > Products > Waypoint Service > CLIENT ID (APPLICATION ID).
- A redirect URI registered in Developer Console > Products > Waypoint Service > REDIRECT URI.
For more information about the initial setup, see Get started.
- In your Android project, create a
directory. - Download the Ronin Waypoint Android SDK release package and extract the contents into
. - In your app's
file, add the following dependency:
dependencies {
Update your app's AndroidManifest.xml
file with the redirect URI that you registered in the Developer Console:
<intent-filter android:label="">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
<!-- Accepts URIs that begin with "deeplinkSchema://callback -->
<data android:scheme="${deeplink_Schema}" android:host="callback" />
import com.skymavis.sdk.waypoint.Waypoint
// Redirect URI registered in the Ronin Waypoint settings in the Developer Console
// Example : "mydapp://callback"
val redirectUri = "{YOUR_REDIRECT_URI}"
// Client ID registered in the Ronin Waypoint settings in the Developer Console
val clientId = "${YOUR_CLIENT_ID}"
// Base URL of Ronin Waypoint for all API calls
val waypointOrigin = ""
// Saigon testnet chain ID
val chainId = 2021
// Saigon testnet public RPC endpoint
val rpcUrl = ""
val waypoint = Waypoint(
Ronin Waypoint will return result via deeplink, onResponse
listen all match with state which is define when call.
// In onCreate of activity listen all incoming deeplink
val data: Uri? = intent?.data // Capture the URI data
if(data != null) {
Authorizes a user with an existing Ronin Waypoint account, returning an ID token and the user's wallet address.
// Random request ID
val state = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
waypoint.authorize(context, state, redirectUri).thenAccept { data ->
if(data != null) {
Log.d(TAG, "Auth data : $data")
} else {
print("No data received !")
Transfers 0.1 RON to another address, returning a transaction hash.
// Random request ID
val state = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
// Recipient address
val to = "0xD36deD8E1927dCDD76Bfe0CC95a5C1D65c0a807a";
// 0.1 RON
val value = "100000000000000000";
waypoint.sendTransaction(context, state, redirectUri, to, value).thenAccept { data ->
if(data != null) {
Log.d(TAG, "Send transaction data : $data")
} else {
print("No data received !")
Signs a plain text message, returning a signature in hex format.
val state = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
// Message to sign
val message = "Hello Axie";
waypoint.personalSign(context, state, redirectUri, message).thenAccept { data ->
if(data != null) {
Log.d(TAG, "Personal sign data : $data")
} else {
print("No data received !")
Signs EIP-712 typed data for an order on Axie Marketplace, returning a signature in hex format.
val state = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
val typedData = """{"types":{"Asset":[{"name":"erc","type":"uint8"},{"name":"addr","type":"address"},{"name":"id","type":"uint256"},{"name":"quantity","type":"uint256"}],"Order":[{"name":"maker","type":"address"},{"name":"kind","type":"uint8"},{"name":"assets","type":"Asset[]"},{"name":"expiredAt","type":"uint256"},{"name":"paymentToken","type":"address"},{"name":"startedAt","type":"uint256"},{"name":"basePrice","type":"uint256"},{"name":"endedAt","type":"uint256"},{"name":"endedPrice","type":"uint256"},{"name":"expectedState","type":"uint256"},{"name":"nonce","type":"uint256"},{"name":"marketFeePercentage","type":"uint256"}],"EIP712Domain":[{"name":"name","type":"string"},{"name":"version","type":"string"},{"name":"chainId","type":"uint256"},{"name":"verifyingContract","type":"address"}]},"domain":{"name":"MarketGateway","version":"1","chainId":2021,"verifyingContract":"0xfff9ce5f71ca6178d3beecedb61e7eff1602950e"},"primaryType":"Order","message":{"maker":"0xd761024b4ef3336becd6e802884d0b986c29b35a","kind":"1","assets":[{"erc":"1","addr":"0x32950db2a7164ae833121501c797d79e7b79d74c","id":"2730069","quantity":"0"}],"expiredAt":"1721709637","paymentToken":"0xc99a6a985ed2cac1ef41640596c5a5f9f4e19ef5","startedAt":"1705984837","basePrice":"500000000000000000","endedAt":"0","endedPrice":"0","expectedState":"0","nonce":"0","marketFeePercentage":"425"}}""";
waypoint.signTypedData(context, state, redirectUri, typedData).thenAccept { data ->
if(data != null) {
Log.d(TAG, "Sign typed data : $data")
} else {
print("No data received !")
Allows another contract to spend 1 AXS on user's behalf, returning a transaction hash.
val contractAddress = "0x3c4e17b9056272ce1b49f6900d8cfd6171a1869d";
// No RON is being sent
val value = "0x0"
// Approve data
val data =
val state = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
).thenAccept { data ->
if(data != null) {
Log.d(TAG, "Call contract data : $data")
} else {
print("No data received !")
For more information, see the Ronin Waypoint Android SDK integration guide.