Releases: simulkade/JFVM.jl
Latest rrelease that supports Julia 0.6
JFVM.jl: A Finite Volume Tool for Solving Advection-Diffusion Equations
JFVM is an implementation of cell-centered finite volume technique in Julia programming language, that can be used to discretize a linear transient convection-diffusion equation on a variety of coordinate systems, including 1, 2, or 3D Cartesian, Cylindrical, and Spherical. A general boundary condition is designed that can help the user to define Dirichlet, Neumann, and Robin boundary conditions with a minimal effort. The convection term can be discretized using different techniques, i.e., central difference, upwind, and total variation diminishing (TVD). The code is particularly useful for a quick implementation of the mathematical models that describe the transport phenomena in chemical and petroleum engineering.
Latest stable version compatible only with Julia <0.4*
I have made some new changes to make the code compatible with Julia> 0.5*. This is the latest release before committing those changes.