- A small autograd engine, inspired from karpathy/micrograd, with more features, such as additional activation functions, optimizers, loss criterions, accuracy metrics, and the ability to save and load model weights after training.
- Capable of creating neurons, dense layers and multilayer perceptrons, for non-linear classification tasks.
- Created for learning purposes. See
cargo add --git https://github.com/shettysach/ferrograd.git ferrograd
use ferrograd::engine::Value;
fn main() {
let a = Value::new(-4.);
let b = Value::new(2.);
let mut c = &a + &b;
let mut d = &a * &b + &b.pow(3.);
c += &c + 1.;
c += 1. + &c + (-&a);
d += &d * 2. + (&b + &a).relu();
d += 3. * &d + (&b - &a).relu();
let e = &c - &d;
let f = e.pow(2.);
let mut g = &f / 2.;
g += 10. / &f;
println!("g.data = {:.4}", g.borrow().data);
println!("a.grad = {:.4}", a.borrow().grad);
println!("b.grad = {:.4}", b.borrow().grad);
cargo run --example readme
g.data = 24.7041
a.grad = 138.8338
b.grad = 645.5773
use ferrograd::engine::Value;
fn main() {
let a = Value::new(5.6).with_name("a");
let b = Value::new(10.8).with_name("b");
let c = Value::new(-15.12).with_name("c");
let d = Value::new(2.5).with_name("d");
let e = (&a + &b) / 50.0;
let e = e.with_name("e");
let f = (&d - &c) * 5.5625;
let f = f.with_name("f");
let g = (e * f).leaky_relu().with_name("g");
println!("{}", g.tree());
cargo run --example tree
LeakyReLU data = 32.148, grad = 1.000 ← g
└── * data = 32.148, grad = 1.000
├── * data = 0.328, grad = 98.011 ← e
│ ├── + data = 16.400, grad = 1.960
│ │ ├── data = 5.600, grad = 1.960 ← a
│ │ └── data = 10.800, grad = 1.960 ← b
│ └── 0.020
└── * data = 98.011, grad = 0.328 ← f
├── + data = 17.620, grad = 1.824
│ ├── data = 2.500, grad = 1.824 ← d
│ └── * data = 15.120, grad = 1.824
│ ├── data = -15.120, grad = -1.824 ← c
│ └── -1.000
└── 5.562
use ferrograd::{
engine::{Activation, Value},
fn main() {
let n = Neuron::new(2, Some(Activation::ReLU));
let n = n.name_params();
let x = Value::new_2d(&vec![vec![2.0, 1.0]]);
let x = n.name_inputs(x);
println!("{}\n", n);
let y = &n.forward(&x)[0];
println!("Forward pass:\n{}", y.tree());
println!("Backward pass:\n{}", y.tree());
cargo run --example neuron
Forward pass:
ReLU data = 1.800, grad = 0.000
└── + data = 1.800, grad = 0.000
├── + data = 1.800, grad = 0.000
│ ├── * data = 1.911, grad = 0.000
│ │ ├── data = 0.955, grad = 0.000 ← weight[0]
│ │ └── data = 2.000, grad = 0.000 ← x[0][0]
│ └── * data = -0.111, grad = 0.000
│ ├── data = -0.111, grad = 0.000 ← weight[1]
│ └── data = 1.000, grad = 0.000 ← x[1][0]
└── data = 0.000, grad = 0.000 ← bias
Backward pass:
ReLU data = 1.800, grad = 1.000
└── + data = 1.800, grad = 1.000
├── + data = 1.800, grad = 1.000
│ ├── * data = 1.911, grad = 1.000
│ │ ├── data = 0.955, grad = 2.000 ← weight[0]
│ │ └── data = 2.000, grad = 0.955 ← x[0][0]
│ └── * data = -0.111, grad = 1.000
│ ├── data = -0.111, grad = 1.000 ← weight[1]
│ └── data = 1.000, grad = -0.111 ← x[1][0]
└── data = 0.000, grad = 1.000 ← bias
NOTE: To run the MNIST examples, download the data, gzip extract all 4 files, and move them to the directory
use ferrograd::{
engine::{Activation, Value},
nn::{softmax, MultiLayerPerceptron},
use rand::Rng;
fn main() {
// MLP
let model =
MultiLayerPerceptron::new(784, vec![64, 32, 10], Activation::LeakyReLU);
println!("{}\n", model);
let model_path = "model/mod_64x32";
match model.load(model_path) {
Ok(_) => println!("> Model loaded successfully from {model_path}\n"),
Err(err) => panic!("{}", err),
// Loading test data
let test_samples = 100;
let offset = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0..9_900);
let mnist = rust_mnist::Mnist::new("data/mnist/");
let xtest: Vec<Vec<Value>> =
images_to_features(&mnist.test_data[offset..offset + test_samples]);
// Making predictions
let correct = xtest
.filter(|(i, x)| {
let ypred = vec![model.forw(x)];
let ypred = softmax(&ypred);
let (argmax, prob) = ypred[0]
.max_by_key(|(_, v)| *v)
.map(|(ind, v)| (ind, v.borrow().data))
.expect("Error in prediction");
let img = &mnist.test_data[offset + i];
let label = mnist.test_labels[offset + i];
let pred = label as usize == argmax;
println!("ytrue: {}", label);
println!("ypred: {argmax}");
println!("prob: {prob:.3}");
println!("pred: {pred}\n");
println!("Correct predictions: {}/{}", correct, test_samples);
// --- Helper functions ---
cargo run --example test_mnist
use ferrograd::{
engine::{Activation, Value},
optim::{l2_regularization, SGD},
fn main() {
let (xs, ys) = read_csv("data/moons_data.csv", &[0, 1], &[2], 1);
let model = MultiLayerPerceptron::new(2, vec![16, 16, 1], Activation::ReLU);
println!("{}", model);
println!("Number of parameters: {}\n", model.parameters().len());
let mut optim = SGD::new(model.parameters(), 0.1, 0.9);
let loss = HingeLoss::new();
let accuracy = BinaryAccuracy::new(0.0);
"Optimiser: {:#?}\n\nCriterion: {:#?}\n\nMetric: {:#?}\n",
optim, loss, accuracy
(0..100).for_each(|k| {
let ypred = model.forward(&xs);
let data_loss = loss.loss(&ypred, &ys);
let reg_loss = l2_regularization(0.0001, model.parameters());
let total_loss = data_loss + reg_loss;
let acc = accuracy.compute(&ypred, &ys);
"step {} - loss {:.3}, accuracy {:.2}%",
acc * 100.0
print_grid(&model, 15);
// fn print_grid(model: &MultiLayerPerceptron, bound: i32) { ... }
cargo run --example moons
# ...
step 97 - loss 0.012, accuracy 100.00%
step 98 - loss 0.012, accuracy 100.00%
step 99 - loss 0.012, accuracy 100.00%
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├ Adam
├ RMSprop
└ SGD with momentum
Loss criterions
├ Binary Cross-Entropy
├ Cross-Entropy
└ Hinge
Activation functions
├ Leaky ReLU
├ ReLU
├ Sigmoid
├ Softmax
└ Tanh
Accuracy metrics
└ Binary accuracy
- Created for educational purposes and not optimized for performance.
- Uses scalar values (
) and operations.Vec<Value>
are used in place of tensors.- Negation and subtraction invole multiplication with -1 and division involves raising to the power -1, instead of direct implementations, similar to how it's implemented in micrograd.
- Run examples with the
flag (cargo run --release --example <example>
) for more optimized performance.