spe4k (pronunced speak) is a multiplatform IRC client written with Qt. The goal is to have a very simple and customizable client, in which you can add python scripts to customize its behaviour just like mIRC (but free). For now, only the IRC part works:
- Basic IRC commands
- Basic options
- Network list
- Identities
If you want to join this project as a developer, feel free to contact me by e-mail ([email protected]) Or better, connect to irc.spe4k.com:6667
- qt >= 4.8
- qmake >= 2.01a
First, you have to fetch all the data from each submodule
git submodule init git submodule update
Generate the makefile with qmake, and compile. Note: you can do it with make -j to compile faster.
qmake-qt4 -r -spec linux-g++ make
- mingw32-qmake-qt4
- mingw32-gcc-c++
mingw-qmake-qt4 libspe4rc.pro -r make
- mingw64-qmake-qt4
- mingw64-gcc-c++
mingw-qmake-qt4 libspe4rc.pro -r make
Fugue Icons: http://p.yusukekamiyamane.com/
shaoner [email protected]