The personal data store component of openPDS handles storage of raw personal data, provides endpoints for writing such data via connectors, a computation engine to perform analysis on the raw data, as well as storage and REST endpoints for results of such analysis (answers to questions, in openPDS lingo).
Please note: openPDS requires a separate registry server for account management and to act as an OAuth 2.0 provider. This can be found at If you run your own registry server, your openPDS installation must be updated to point to your registry server.
To get started with openPDS, you must have python pip, virtualenv, and mongodb server installed on your machine:
apt-get install python pip
apt-get install python-virtualenv
apt-get install mongodb mongodb-server
service mongodb start
From there, you can create a virtual environment for your openPDS install, and clone the code into it:
virtualenv pdsEnv
cd pdsEnv
git clone [email protected]:HumanDynamics/OMS-PDS.git
source bin/activate
pip install -r conf/requirements.txt
python syncdb
python runserver (for access to local VM)
The above steps will start openPDS with default configuration settings on port 8002 of the loopback interface (local access only) on your machine.