- Scriban Express is desgined for rendering lots of small simple templates, quickly.
- Subset of Scriban (mainly due to lack of time).
- Converts Scribans AST into Expression Trees, Compiles, then caches.
- At this point Security has not been considered, templates should be controlled by trusted individuals.
- See Demo Project for working examples
Configure Asp.Net
// load via dependancy injection
IExpressTemplateManager expressTemplateManager
// pass in template, and object (in this example anonymous)
expressTemplateManager.Render("{{ person.name }}", new { Person })
dotnet build
dotnet test --logger trx /p:CollectCoverage=true /p:CoverletOutputFormat=cobertura /p:Exclude="[xunit*]*%2c[Scriban]*%2c[*UnitTests*]*"
cd ScribanExpress.Benchmarks
dotnet run -c Release --f *
- correct folder structure
- Better error Logging
- List functions
- assignment
- named variables
- documentation
- add scriban default libraries
- look into truthy tests
- improve exensibility (standard library)
- Null propagation/null conditional
- Raise better errors/messaging
- More implicit conversions
- consider converting Ienumberables to Arrays on indexing
- consider using a nested ConcurentDictionary<Type,ConcurentDictionary<string,function>> for performance
- Post benchmarks to a datasource
- Consider rich errors (copy scriban instead of exceptions)
- Make StandardLibrary more extenable e.g
- dynamic,expando
- interfaces with constraints
- dictionary (because library should be know at expression compile time, it could be made typesafe)
- Look into async
- casting (named methods?, variable types?)
- better error managment (EventPipe?) for broken templates/rendering errors