- tidyverse ~= 2.0.0
- readxl ~= 1.4.3
- here ~= 1.0.1
- survival ~= 3.5.5
- survminer ~= 0.4.9
- glmnet ~= 4.1.8
- caret ~= 6.0.94
- mlbench ~=
- reshape2 ~= 1.4.4
- ROCR ~= 1.0.11
Contains functions that are accessed by various parts of the program
Run the script: data_cleaning.R
Must be run before subsequent files
Run the notebook: one_year_predictions/logistic_regression.Rmd
Run the notebook: one_year_predictions/decision_tree.Rmd
Run the notebook: survival_analysis/survival_analysis.Rmd
Run the script: data_visualization/make_plots.R
Must be run after the above files