This is the model of the Oregon State University Mk.II TRIGA Reactor. This project is an on-going effort to have an undergraduate student at Oregon State University model the reactor. This project stands out from the current project by another student at Oregon State pursuing his PhD modeling this reactor in OpenMC due to this model not being as complex as the one they are modeling. This model will be used for simple analysis and possible benchmarking as well as possible reference material for other students to use in their education.
This model will be created using OpenMC. The project will utilize OpenMC documentation and information gathered from the OSU Radiation Center Staff.
This model is on a Jupyter Notebook; to run the code, click on each code block and press shift+enter to run each cell, or press the play button at the top of the screen to run all cells. This program should yield a critical eigenvalue >1.00.
OpenMC TRIGA Reactor Example: (