Awesome list of React components with render props and resources.
PR's Welcome!
- Use a Render Prop! by Michael Jackson
- Query Components with Apollo by Kureev Alexey
- Testing βοΈ components using render props by Kent C. Dodds
- How to give rendering control to users with prop getters by Kent C. Dodds
- react-motion: A spring that solves your animation problems.
- react-move: Beautiful, data-driven animations for React
- react-prop-transition: Transition almost any value over time.
- react-dragtastic: Declarative drag-and-drop for React
- react-router: Declarative routing for React
- @curi/react: Centralized routing with React
- Formik: Forms in React, without tears π
- React Final Form: π High performance subscription-based form state management for React
- React Attire: Minimal state manager that simplifies React form handling
- Informative: React Forms with ease. Use render-props to broadcast state changes for the Form and Field. Also first-class support for re-usable FieldWraps
- React Form: Simple, powerful, highly composable forms in React
- Downshift: π Primitives to build simple, flexible, WAI-ARIA compliant enhanced input React components
- react-toggled: Component to build simple, flexible, and accessible toggle components
- @navjobs/upload: Higher order React components for file uploading (with progress) react file upload
- Dayzed: Primitives to build simple, flexible, WAI-ARIA compliant React date-picker components
- urql: Universal React Query Library
- holen: Declarative fetch for React
- react-request: Declarative HTTP requests for React with request deduplication and response caching
- react-firestore: Render prop components to fetch Firestore collections and documents
- redux-box: Modular and easy-to-grasp redux based state management, with least boilerplate
- react-localforage: Declarative localForage in React
- react-fns: Browser API's turned into declarative React components and HoC's
- react-media: CSS media queries for React
- react-value: An easy easy way to wrap controlled components that provide
props with state. - react-redux-local: Simple local reducer with middleware/sagas/redux-dev-tools support.
- react-powerplug: Renderless Pluggable State Containers
- react-google-maps-loader: Simple loader to use google maps services
- react-progressive-image: React component for progressive image loading
- react-device-battery: π Notifies your React App of the device battery status
- react-loads: A simple React component to handle loading state
- react-data-sort: React component for sorting, paginating and searching data
- redux-render: Ergonomic Redux bindings for React using render props
- unstated: Share state between components with the same stateful component API
- render-props-compose: Compose several nested render prop components into one
- react-useragent: Retrieve user agent data through render props
- react-gizmo: UI Finite State Machine for React
- react-geolocation: Declarative geolocation in React
- react-composer: Compose render prop components
- react-sentinel: Abstracts away requestAnimationFrame, allowing you to poll anything for props
- react-albus: React component library for building declarative multi-step flows (wizards).
- react-pro-metronome: React component for creating your own metronome
- react-native-responsive-image-view: React Native component for scaling an Image within the parent View
- react-native-sideswipe: React Native cross-platform carousel component based on FlatList