A website for displaying data quality measurements done for the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT).
If you are pressed for time, you should have a look at the section on what to do if you have no time.
In most cases, you just need to add a Bokeh plot to an already existing page. This is covered by the section on adding a plot.
The section on potential pitfalls might save you from some head-scratching.
If you need a new page for your plot(s), you should refer to the section on adding a database quality page. In case your page contains a form for query parameters (such as a start and date) you should also have a look at the section on storing query parameters.
Fancy plots allowing user interaction may require a slightly different approach and are covered in the section on interactive plots.
It is always a good idea to test, and the above-mentioned sections include instructions on how you can test your plots. But you might also have a look at the section on testing, in particular as the script described in that section allows you to check PEP-8 compliance.