Syntax highlighting, cheatsheet, snippets, offline manual and fuzzy help plugin for the openscad language
OpenSCAD help system and syntax highlighting in Neovim.
This plugin was first created as a companion to the original openscad syntax highlighting.
But it now contains a modified and updated version. In addition a openscad-help
filetype and syntax is implemented.
In the future maybe lsp, error checking, hints and completion will exist here.
Note that some features of this plugin is *NIX
Nvim >= 0.5
Run :checkhealth
to see if you fulfill the dependencies and requirements.
- Using
use { 'salkin-mada/openscad.nvim', config = function () require('openscad') -- load snippets, note requires vim.g.openscad_load_snippets = true end, requires = 'L3MON4D3/LuaSnip' }
- Using
{ "salkin-mada/openscad.nvim", config = function() vim.g.openscad_load_snippets = true require("openscad") end, dependencies = { "L3MON4D3/LuaSnip", "junegunn/fzf.vim" }, },
in normal mode
Toggle cheatsheet window
in normal mode
Fuzzy find help resource
in normal mode
Open offline openscad manual in pdf via zathura
in normal mode
Open file in OpenSCAD
in normal mode
toggle htop
filtered for openscad processes
These are the defaults:
vim.g.openscad_fuzzy_finder = 'skim'
vim.g.openscad_cheatsheet_window_blend = 15 --%
vim.g.openscad_load_snippets = false
-- should the openscad project automatically be opened on startup
vim.g.openscad_auto_open = false
mappings is by default not enabled.
vim.g.openscad_default_mappings = true
The default mappings are:
vim.g.openscad_cheatsheet_toggle_key = '<Enter>'
vim.g.openscad_help_trig_key = '<A-h>'
vim.g.openscad_help_manual_trig_key = '<A-m>'
vim.g.openscad_exec_openscad_trig_key = '<A-o>'
vim.g.openscad_top_toggle = '<A-c>'
- Options and Mappings may be defined in either Lua or Vimscript.