🔭 I’m currently working on Secure Coding with Java and Python
🌱 I’m currently learning Thick Client Security Assessment
🤝 I’m looking for help with Thick Client and iOS Security Testing
📝 I regularly write articles on sahildari.medium.com
I have found some vulnerabilities in some Open Source Projects resulting in the publishing of CVEs: CVE-2023-37635, CVE-2023-37636, CVE-2024-3137, CVE-2024-31061, CVE-2024-31062, CVE-2024-31063, CVE-2024-31064, CVE-2024-31065 and CVE-2024-31502.
⚡ Fun fact I have found valid some bugs in CISCO, PHILIPS, SE, IBM, MAGENTO, NEXTCLOUD and many more 😄