Releases: sagemath/sage
Releases · sagemath/sage
What's Changed
- adding the check for pycodestyle E222 in pyx files by @fchapoton in #39610
- some typing in Permutation by @fchapoton in #39613
- Fixed _positive_roots_reflections for index_set different from {1, 2, …, n} by @ventu06 in #39617
- remove unused imports in rings by @fchapoton in #39619
- Fix documentation diff for cython() by @user202729 in #39621
- Fix Commutator subgroup of permutation group by @AdityaK1729 in #39624
- some fixes by ruff about nested max by @fchapoton in #39625
- remove pkg combinatorial_designs by @fchapoton in #39631
- some details in lean_matrix by @fchapoton in #39634
- removing some unused imports in pyx files by @fchapoton in #39635
- unitary DFT for symmetric group algebra by @jacksonwalters in #38455
- Upgrade to pari 2.17.1, cypari 2.2.1, cysignals 1.12.3 by @antonio-rojas in #38749
- Show continuation lines when doctest crashes by @user202729 in #39102
- Add check for zero monomial in monomial_coefficient by @keltecc in #39256
- add parameter immutable to generators in
(part 3) by @dcoudert in #39269 - Migrate pyright workflow to use conda by @tobiasdiez in #39286
- add parameter
to transitive closure methods insage/graphs/
by @dcoudert in #39287 - Test pip editable install with meson by @user202729 in #39369
- Fix compilation and doctests with flintlib 3.2 by @tornaria in #39413
- Disable broken and outdated CI by @tobiasdiez in #39467
- Provide an iterative version on some functions on trees by @Oscfon in #39519
- Fixes error causing period function in BinaryRecurrenceSequence to stall and added enhancement by @Noel-Roemmele in #39546
- Remove defining ideal hack by @user202729 in #39559
- Meson: Remove unused build dependencies ppl and fplll by @tobiasdiez in #39562
- Bump pillow and cffi by @dimpase in #39571
- some details in schemes, typing annotation for gens by @fchapoton in #39579
- remove traces of experimental package
by @dcoudert in #39593 - fix latex code in one crystal file by @fchapoton in #39594
- extract _front_back_facets method out of _tikz_3d_in_3d polyhedron method by @seblabbe in #39597
- bump executing to 2.2.0 by @dimpase in #39602
- minor details in boolean_polynomials by @fchapoton in #39605
- minor details in invariant_theory (pep8) by @fchapoton in #39606
- add missing parenthesis in magma conversion file by @fchapoton in #39607
- some minor details in fusion_double by @fchapoton in #39609
- remove unused import + pep8 cleanup in modform/element by @fchapoton in #39611
- Improve documentation of discrete valuations by @saraedum in #39612
- Fix spacing for documentation by @user202729 in #39623
- Fixed issue the caused random element in for Tuples to stall by adding unrank method. by @Noel-Roemmele in #39626
- add magma as optional algorithm for Coxeter polynomial of posets by @fchapoton in #39629
- Implement matrix Schubert variety ideals by @tscrim in #39632
New Contributors
- @ventu06 made their first contribution in #39617
- @AdityaK1729 made their first contribution in #39624
- @keltecc made their first contribution in #39256
- @Oscfon made their first contribution in #39519
Full Changelog: 10.6.beta8...10.6.beta9
What's Changed
- Add inversion function for sage.crypto.sboxes by @rusydi in #39309
- Replace sage.libs.giac with new optional package sagemath-giac by @orlitzky in #39376
- adding the super delta continued fractions, after G.-N. Han by @fchapoton in #39417
- Replace reproducible_repr() with usage of displayhook by @user202729 in #39420
- Minor code improvement in
by @tobiasdiez in #39426 - Remove deprecated sage-cython script by @tobiasdiez in #39427
- Fixed issue causing random elements of a quadratic field to always be integral by @Noel-Roemmele in #39445
- remove deprecated method in normal_form_game by @fchapoton in #39464
- Improved Efficiency of mutually_orthogonal_latin_squares function by @pyrusbrawler64 in #39483
- Implemented error when incorrect bounds cause discrete_log to give incorrect answer by @pyrusbrawler64 in #39484
- update meson and meson-python to the latest versions, 1.7.0 and 0.7.1 by @dimpase in #39492
- Add minimal relation bases for univariate polynomial matrices by @vneiger in #39516
- infinite polynomial element/gcd by @mantepse in #39522
- Hide more chronic diff on CI by @user202729 in #39542
- Fixed issue causing logarithm of base 0 to not give either of the possible correct answers. by @Noel-Roemmele in #39547
- Add Ideal.radical and Ring.nilradical by @user202729 in #39549
- no meaning for gp in pari/gp by @fchapoton in #39550
- Correct an error message. by @AndreasEnge in #39551
- fix and activate the check for pep E272 by @fchapoton in #39552
- make algdep always an alias for algebraic_dependency by @fchapoton in #39553
- Added option to return explicit polynomial in .in_subalgebra by @pyrusbrawler64 in #39555
- Fixed issue where Partitions() was caching results when an error happens. by @Noel-Roemmele in #39556
- Fixed issue where insert_row in dense integer matrices would not accept python integers. by @Noel-Roemmele in #39557
- cleaning the maximal orders in rational function fields by @fchapoton in #39558
- some fixes for E114 by @fchapoton in #39564
- remove many unused imports by @fchapoton in #39565
- some fixes for E272 in pyx files by @fchapoton in #39566
- Make test deterministic to fix CI by @user202729 in #39567
- simplify empty sets by @fchapoton in #39568
- bump python to at least 3.11 in spkg-configure.m4 by @dimpase in #39570
- Change some instances of "gens" method to return tuples by @pyrusbrawler64 in #39572
- Doctest for defining multivariate polynomial ring over InfinityRing by @pyrusbrawler64 in #39573
- full cython-lint cleanup in data_structure pyx files by @fchapoton in #39575
- py3.9 support cleanup in sage_autodoc and sphinx bump by @kiwifb in #39577
- adding some type annotations in lattices by @fchapoton in #39578
- pep8 and mypy cleanup of arith/ by @fchapoton in #39584
- Enhance poset factor by @fchapoton in #39589
- avoid some conversions to
when the input is an instance ofStaticSparseBackend
by @dcoudert in #39216
New Contributors
- @AndreasEnge made their first contribution in #39551
Full Changelog: 10.6.beta7...10.6.beta8
What's Changed
- Fix some errors in documentation of cachefunc by @user202729 in #39061
- Refactor period lattice by @user202729 in #39212
- Add keyword prec for exponential and logarithm of Drinfeld modules by @xcaruso in #39214
- Require Python 3.11 or newer; remove outdated workarounds by @tobiasdiez in #39251
- add parameter immutable to generators in
(part 2) by @dcoudert in #39266 - Allow coercion from Frac(QQ[x]) to LaurentSeriesRing(QQ) by @user202729 in #39365
- Add documentation to LaurentSeries point to accessors by @user202729 in #39366
- Allow system python 3.13 by @antonio-rojas in #39381
- details in braid groups by @fchapoton in #39397
- Use import_module instead of find_spec by @user202729 in #39423
- Magma padics by @fchapoton in #39449
- remove deprecated stuff in by @fchapoton in #39454
- Trivial simplifications for arccos by @fchapoton in #39456
- remove some deprecations in groups by @fchapoton in #39466
- add tuple typing to gens methods in algebras by @fchapoton in #39473
- convert gens method in modular to return tuple by @fchapoton in #39474
- typing annotation for gens method in rings and groups (pyx files) by @fchapoton in #39476
- typing and details in tableaux files by @fchapoton in #39477
- Fixed crash when exp(0) of p-adic numbers is called by @Noel-Roemmele in #39479
- Fixed issue in list_plot where it assumed data had been enumerated when it might not have been by @Noel-Roemmele in #39481
- fix one typo by @fchapoton in #39482
- Implement conversion from laurent series to rational function field by @user202729 in #39485
- Finish changing Rational's round method default rounding to even by @user202729 in #39486
- Improvement of the rendering of the documentation in polynomial sequence by @MercedesHaiech in #39487
- Fix issue on matrix construction over integer mod ring for large coefficients by @HugoPasse in #39488
- fix several oeis related doctests by @fchapoton in #39489
- fixing doctests failures in misc/latex*.py by @seblabbe in #39491
- Fix more doctests in meson_editable install by @user202729 in #39494
- Add documentation of Gabidulin codes in the reference manual by @xcaruso in #39495
- Add deformation cones and checking for regularity for Point Configurations and normal fans of Polyhedra by @jplab in #39496
- moving random_element to category of rings by @fchapoton in #39497
- Apply sort and filter of walk_packages consistently by @user202729 in #39498
- Improve sage_getfile by looking at init by @user202729 in #39499
- Implement im_gens in the class fraction_field_FpT by @xcaruso in #39504
- Improve handling of strings supplied as matrix entries by @DaveWitteMorris in #39505
- New algorithm for cuts of a Poset by @LudovicSchwob in #39506
- Fix some typo by @user202729 in #39508
- Add a doctest for HomsetsCategory._make_named_class_key by @user202729 in #39509
- add of the function rank_support_of_vector by @camille-garnier in #39510
- Show test failures of ci-meson as annotations by @user202729 in #39513
- line_graph for multigraphs by @fabien-vignes in #39518
- rename also set-like species by @mantepse in #39521
- multi polynomial element/repr by @mantepse in #39523
- Test on CI that update-meson is properly ran by @user202729 in #39527
- Improvement to flint_autogen reader by @user202729 in #39530
- build/pkgs: update eclib to version 20250122 by @orlitzky in #39533
- Fix a nonfunctional long time doctest tag by @user202729 in #39536
- Remove dead mailing lists. by @Carreau in #39541
- use Parent in quotient rings too by @fchapoton in #37158
- Implemented
and modified further methods to extend quaternion algebra functionality to number fields by @S17A05 in #37173 - Implicit function solver for lazy series by @mantepse in #38108
- Add support for pseudomorphisms by @xcaruso in #38650
- Turn some doctests in
into long tests by @S17A05 in #38824 - Allow CRT_list() to be called with one argument by @user202729 in #38986
- Add reseed_rng option to p_iter_fork by @mklss in #39025
- Remove erroneous member declaration in farey_symbol by @user202729 in #39092
- Improve hack used in debug_options by @user202729 in #39093
- Add note about makeflags and ninja parallelism by @user202729 in #39128
- Class polynomial for Drinfeld modules by @xcaruso in #39215
- introduce new apozeta polynomial for posets by @fchapoton in #39248
- Add Pseudomorphism Implementation for Free Modules by @ymusleh in #37214
New Contributors
- @MercedesHaiech made their first contribution in #39487
- @HugoPasse made their first contribution in #39488
- @jplab made their first contribution in #39496
- @LudovicSchwob made their first contribution in #39506
- @camille-garnier made their first contribution in #39510
- @fabien-vignes made their first contribution in #39518
- @mklss made their first contribution in #39025
Full Changelog: 10.6.beta6...10.6.beta7
What's Changed
- Test that the Sage git repo is clean. by @jhpalmieri in #39392
- breaking lines after else: in pyx files by @fchapoton in #39393
- conversion of symmetric functions to and from magma by @fchapoton in #39403
- Resolve error in
by @gmou3 in #39405 - Implementation of the general Burau representation for Artin groups by @tscrim in #39415
- more spkg-configures (new/fixes) by @dimpase in #39418
- fix one optional internet doctest in by @fchapoton in #39422
- Fix bug with sage_getfile in meson editable install by @user202729 in #39424
- Fix basis of multivariate polynomial ring by @user202729 in #39425
- Declare
by @gmou3 in #39429 - Delay LaTeX feature tests as long as possible by @orlitzky in #39430
- Fixed FFT setting function that assumed that values were uninitialized by @Noel-Roemmele in #39431
- Fixed randomly failing test in bigraphical hyperplane function by @Noel-Roemmele in #39432
- bump GAP to 4.14.0 by @dimpase in #39435
- enhanced details in by @fchapoton in #39438
- using next in isogeny plotting by @fchapoton in #39439
- introduce the alias "is_congruence_uniform" in lattices by @fchapoton in #39440
- some details in KR crystals by @fchapoton in #39441
- Fixes incorrect behaviour when taking the derivative of a constant matrix by @pyrusbrawler64 in #39451
- Remove all__sagemath_categories by @tobiasdiez in #39457
- remove old deprecation in modular symbols by @fchapoton in #39461
- remove a deprecation simplicial complexes by @fchapoton in #39462
- remove deprecated stuff in cremona_database by @fchapoton in #39463
- remove deprecated stuff in polyhedron plot by @fchapoton in #39465
- Fix documentation of integral_points by @user202729 in #39468
- small improvement in
by @dcoudert in #39469 - Fix incorrect exponentiation of modular forms by @grhkm21 in #35944
- convert magma power series rings by @fchapoton in #38794
- Remove SAGE_DB from public interface by @tobiasdiez in #39012
- Implemented methods concerning bricks and braces of a matching covered graph by @janmenjayap in #39065
- Minor refactor for is_exact by @user202729 in #39137
- Fix alarm tests by @user202729 in #39142
- Add _make_named_class_key for several categories, miscellaneous changes by @user202729 in #39160
- Remove backslash hack in doctest by @user202729 in #39186
- Make tests compatible with numpy 2.1 by @user202729 in #39242
- Replace
imports by direct imports from pari and cypari by @tobiasdiez in #39265 - Specify use_sources=True in cython compilation by @user202729 in #39275
- add parameter
to some graph operations insage/graphs/
by @dcoudert in #39280 - add parameter
to some graph products insage/graphs/
by @dcoudert in #39285 - more care about parameter
by @dcoudert in #39297 - activate check for ruff PLW0127 by @fchapoton in #39347
- bump fpylll to 0.6.3, fplll to 5.5.0 by @dimpase in #39353
- Add doctest that integral of 0 function is 0 by @DaveWitteMorris in #39362
- Updated random_diagonal_matrix function so it works for any ring by @Noel-Roemmele in #39374
- Fix build with meson documentation by @user202729 in #39378
- inline an inner function in random two-sphere (for speed) by @fchapoton in #39380
- Correct method
by @gmou3 in #39382 - fixing PLW0120 by @fchapoton in #39384
- use the faster binomial in combinat by @fchapoton in #39385
- minor changes about faster binomial in modular by @fchapoton in #39387
- using the binomial method in categories + cleanup by @fchapoton in #39388
- minor detail in combin. polyhedron by @fchapoton in #39389
: Single quotes by @gmou3 in #39390- Add wrapper for FLINT's
by @lairez in #39391 - move methods into category of fields by @fchapoton in #39394
- Simplify invert for polynomial quotient ring element by @user202729 in #39402
New Contributors
- @Noel-Roemmele made their first contribution in #39431
- @pyrusbrawler64 made their first contribution in #39451
- @lairez made their first contribution in #39391
Full Changelog: 10.6.beta5...10.6.beta6
What's Changed
- Mark test as random to avoid failure by @user202729 in #39377
- avoid unnecessary divisions and calls to gcd by @mantepse in #38924
- Replace
on Windows by @tobiasdiez in #39013 - Fix Singular polynomial comparison by @user202729 in #39018
- unify and simplify orientation methods by @dcoudert in #39124
- Fix comment on ginac NegInfinity constant by @DaveWitteMorris in #39138
- Salvage work on gammoids by @gmou3 in #39155
- avoid some conversions to
by @dcoudert in #39223 - Unpoison
for optional pkgs by @gmou3 in #39226 - add parameter immutable to generators in
by @dcoudert in #39247 - some details in string_ops by @fchapoton in #39254
- faster method
for graphs by @dcoudert in #39300 - ignoring one more ruff check by @fchapoton in #39304
- expand and explain doctest of _preprocess_intertwining_relations by @mantepse in #39310
- move krull_dimension to the category framework by @fchapoton in #39311
- Bijectionist/improve init by @mantepse in #39313
- add parameter immutable to all methods in
by @dcoudert in #39317 - [DOC] src/doc/fr/tutorial/ remove obsolete latex work-around by @jfbu in #39326
- totally trivial space adding ticket by @fchapoton in #39327
- fixes ruff PLC in categories by @fchapoton in #39335
- a few fixes for ruff PLC by @fchapoton in #39337
- fixing most of ruff-minimal outside of src/sage by @fchapoton in #39339
- fix pycodestyle E115 and activate this check in the linter by @fchapoton in #39340
- add an iterator over the minimal separators of a graph by @dcoudert in #39341
- simplify some .extend in combinat by @fchapoton in #39342
- use Parent in Laurent series by @fchapoton in #39343
- Fix broken sat solvers feature tests by @antonio-rojas in #39344
- some fixes after cython-lint by @fchapoton in #39346
- fix details in q_numbers by @fchapoton in #39348
- fix bug for zero-dimension Ehrhart polynomial by @fchapoton in #39349
- ⬆️ Bump dev-hanz-ops/install-gh-cli-action from 0.2.0 to 0.2.1 by @dependabot in #39352
- some fixes for PLR1716 by @fchapoton in #39354
- upgrade
to 0.10.15 andpython_igraph
to 0.11.8 by @dcoudert in #39358 - doc tweaks in padics by @fchapoton in #39360
- Shorten pickle for matrix_mod2_dense by @user202729 in #39367
- fix doctests for singular 4.4.1 by @tornaria in #39368
- adding some annotations in polyhedral complex by @fchapoton in #39375
Full Changelog: 10.6.beta4...10.6.beta5
What's Changed
- adding the category keyword to padic rings and fields classes by @fchapoton in #39302
- simplify many range(0,n) to range(n) by @fchapoton in #39306
- [DOC] Allow Sphinx PDF build to reflow long decimal expansions in code-blocks to avoid them extending beyond page limits by @jfbu in #39325
- some changes about dict in combinat (ruff PLC0206) by @fchapoton in #39332
- some ruff suggestions in algebras/ by @fchapoton in #39333
- Graph Plotting updates by @thecaligarmo in #38823
- provide a class for partitions with bounded length and minimal part by @mantepse in #38904
- adding an example of semiring by @fchapoton in #38965
- Add Meson-specific settings to vscode settings by @tobiasdiez in #39008
- change ore_algebra package to latest version by @fchapoton in #39123
- Fix doctesting with Python 3.13 by @antonio-rojas in #39147
- add parameter
to some connectivity methods by @dcoudert in #39151 - Mark several tests as random to avoid test failure by @user202729 in #39153
- Update conda to use Python 3.12, drop 3.9 and 3.10 by @tobiasdiez in #39164
- Addition of Kähler algebras as a category by @25shriya in #39168
- Define iter method in iterator types by @antonio-rojas in #39182
- Refactor produce_latex_macro by @user202729 in #39184
- Fix find_replacements with Python 3.13 by @antonio-rojas in #39185
- Declare Python 3.13 as supported in sagelib by @antonio-rojas in #39188
- Fix
cleanup. by @tornaria in #39201 - some care in
by @dcoudert in #39220 - faster bidirectional dijkstra using pairing heap by @dcoudert in #39228
- add some typing annotations to gens methods (-> tuple) by @fchapoton in #39233
- minor annotation details in posets to please mypy by @fchapoton in #39252
- some type annotations in modular folder by @fchapoton in #39253
- Fix tests with scipy 1.15 by @antonio-rojas in #39261
- Remove old deprecations in
by @tobiasdiez in #39263 - add parameter immutable to generators in
(part 1) by @dcoudert in #39264 - Upgrade dependency requirements in accordance with Spec 0 by @tobiasdiez in #39268
- return correct error message when trying to add/delete vertex/edge from a static graph by @dcoudert in #39271
- Fix import duplication in
by @tobiasdiez in #39277 - Meson: build groups even without gap by @tobiasdiez in #39278
- fix and activate the ruff check for F811 by @fchapoton in #39281
- Fix tests for Python 3.13 by @user202729 in #39282
- Remove failing modular ci tests by @tobiasdiez in #39284
- Fix the new release workflow by escaping special characters by @kwankyu in #39288
- Workaround to allow flint to be compiled with numpy 2 by @user202729 in #39291
- Fix segmentation fault in singular interface code by @user202729 in #39293
- small cleanup in tropical files by @fchapoton in #39298
- Using a new functions in libbraiding in zariski_vankampen by @enriqueartal in #39301
- let the categories handle "is_commutative" for rings by @fchapoton in #39303
- fixing some ruff PLR warnings by @fchapoton in #39305
- use memory allocator in
by @dcoudert in #39312 - partial pep8 cleanup in Lie conformal algebras by @fchapoton in #39315
- use memory allocator in
by @dcoudert in #39316 - Implement the chi function in sage.crypto.sboxes by @rusydi in #39322
- less use of ParentWithGens by @fchapoton in #39324
- fix a bunch of typos and add some spaces after commas by @fchapoton in #39330
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 10.6.beta3...10.6.beta4
What's Changed
- Allow Cython compilation to open a web browser containing the annotated HTML file by @user202729 in #38946
- Meson: find more dependencies via pkg-config by @tobiasdiez in #38993
- Correctly print import errors in
by @tobiasdiez in #39011 - Make Sequence pretty-printed in IPython by @user202729 in #39027
- Fix more ruff issues in ̀ sage.manifolds` by @tobiasdiez in #39099
- Minor docfix of interpolation() method by @user202729 in #39127
- simplify some call of isinstance in pyx files by @fchapoton in #39146
- Mark artin_symbol doctest as random to avoid failure by @user202729 in #39157
: Removelibtheora
by @gmou3 in #39175- Improve Meson CI workflow by @tobiasdiez in #39176
- Fix test failure with giac by @antonio-rojas in #39178
- Fix CremonaDatabase constructor by @kwankyu in #39179
- Fix tests output for Python 3.13 by @antonio-rojas in #39187
- Update the copyright year in by @ekwankyu in #39190
- Some improvements to findstat._submit by @user202729 in #39193
- Reimplement release creation workflow by @kwankyu in #39194
- Pytest: Improve doctest integration by @tobiasdiez in #39206
- Fix docstring formatting to use raw string literals in multiple files by @tobiasdiez in #39209
- Switch devcontainer to use meson by @tobiasdiez in #39210
- improve graph traversal methods by @dcoudert in #39217
- Faster conversion from numpy array to matrix mod 2 by @user202729 in #39219
- Remove outdated note from docstring of
by @Ordoviz in #39222 - deprecate fully the auld class IntegralDomain by @fchapoton in #39227
- fixing pycodestyle E222 in many cython files by @fchapoton in #39229
- refresh MacMahon Omega file by @fchapoton in #39230
- fix and activate some checks in ruff-minimal by @fchapoton in #39231
- minor tweaks in Ore polynomials by @fchapoton in #39232
- fixing a few typos by @fchapoton in #39235
- minor details in modular symbols / boundary by @fchapoton in #39236
- Modify build using meson guideline by @user202729 in #39238
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 10.6.beta2...10.6.beta3
What's Changed
- Adopt the “time window-based” policy for support of Python versions from Spec-0 by @tobiasdiez in #35403
- Rename PolynomialRing_general to PolynomialRing_generic by @grhkm21 in #38207
- add a pairing heap data structure by @dcoudert in #39046
- Allow more rings to be used with libsingular & rework signal detection system by @user202729 in #39075
- cython-lint cleanup in matroids by @fchapoton in #39108
- Fix a crash when trying to build very large Reed-Muller codes by @jlavauzelle in #39110
: Update to 4.10.2 by @gmou3 in #39119build/pkgs/cmake
: Update to 3.31.2 by @gmou3 in #39120- some care for pep8 E262 (comments) by @fchapoton in #39125
- More information on build from source using meson by @user202729 in #39129
- avoid some imports of rings.Ring by @fchapoton in #39131
- fixing pep8 E203 in pyx files by @fchapoton in #39132
- Even less integral domain by @fchapoton in #39133
- a few details in master reference file by @fchapoton in #39134
- Fix ginac's ratlog method so log(int(0),2) does not hang by @DaveWitteMorris in #39135
- Meson: install
files by @tobiasdiez in #39139 - Fix meson github check by @tobiasdiez in #39140
- fix linter warnings in sage_setup and sage_docbuild by @fchapoton in #39143
- Don't use count as a positional argument in re.sub by @antonio-rojas in #39145
- Remove executable flags from many Python files by @user202729 in #39149
- Fix a bug in Khuri-Makdisi small model of Jacobian by @kwankyu in #39150
- Return True instead of None to avoid cachefunc being useless by @user202729 in #39174
Full Changelog: 10.6.beta1...10.6.beta2
What's Changed
- Replace bootstrap-conda by grayskull and update conda lock files by @tobiasdiez in #37447
- Implement period_lattice for elliptic curves over RealField, ComplexField, etc. by @user202729 in #38474
- remove a spurious adding of the same constraint twice by @dimpase in #38844
- use
in methodOP_make_set
by @dcoudert in #38936 - Some documentation improvement by @user202729 in #38943
- is_t_design needs to verify that every t-tuple is in at least one block by @DaveWitteMorris in #38973
- ⬆️ Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4 to 5 by @dependabot in #38990
- Document RealIntervalField default printing configuration by @user202729 in #38997
- Allow construct RIF element from question-style string by @user202729 in #38998
- implement elliptic-curve point addition for general rings by @yyyyx4 in #39036
- graphs: implementation of linear-time algorithm for modular decomposition by @cyrilbouvier in #39038
- partial pep8 cleanup in plot and plot3d by @fchapoton in #39045
- Replace Python 2 'long' with Python 3 'int' by @user202729 in #39091
- Fix numerical_integral with parameters by @DaveWitteMorris in #39094
- hot-fix for the linter by @fchapoton in #39095
- Add cython.binding(True) to occurrences of sage_wraps by @user202729 in #39101
- Bugfix for erasure decoder of Reed-Solomon codes by @jlavauzelle in #39103
- two more ruff checks activated by @fchapoton in #39105
- cython-lint fixes in misc/ by @fchapoton in #39109
- build/pkgs/planarity/spkg-configure.m4: update header check by @orlitzky in #39111
- cython-lint cleanup for one pxi file in matrix by @fchapoton in #39113
- Remove unnecessary dummy lines in doctests by @user202729 in #39114
- first step of removal of IntegralDomain by @fchapoton in #39115
- more spkg-config.m4 and metadata for python packages by @dimpase in #39121
New Contributors
- @jlavauzelle made their first contribution in #39103
Full Changelog: 10.6.beta0...10.6.beta1
What's Changed
- some work on deformed Burau matrix by @fchapoton in #38987
- simplify isogeny-enumeration code following #35949 by @yyyyx4 in #39019
- one more method in FHM-triangles by @fchapoton in #39020
- fix all ruff warnings SIM101 by @fchapoton in #39022
- Fix the right-border on unicode tables by @orlitzky in #39023
- Automated the generation of changelogs in text format by @soham30rane in #39024
- Numerical evaluation of modular form & implement conversion of more modular form spaces to Pari by @user202729 in #39028
- Remove pipfile by @tobiasdiez in #39031
- Some documentation clean-up by @user202729 in #39043
- provide default argument for monomial_coefficients by @mantepse in #39044
- pep8 cleanup in libs by @fchapoton in #39048
- Fixing typo with
$g_i^{-1}$ implementation in Yokonuma-Hecke algebras. by @tscrim in #39049 - Fix exactify caching when interrupted by @user202729 in #39050
- small-scale refresh for the sandpile file by @fchapoton in #39053
- pep8 cleanup for structure/ by @fchapoton in #39054
- pep8 cleanup in repl/ and sat/ by @fchapoton in #39055
- miscellanous pep8 cleanup by @fchapoton in #39056
- Make multivariate ideal reduce() work on integer by @user202729 in #39059
- Add degree checks for Jacobian models by @kwankyu in #39066
- unbreak "--disable-sage_conf" by @dimpase in #39067
- Fix the issue number format in deprecation comment by @kwankyu in #39074
- linting : some fixes for pyx files in modular by @fchapoton in #39084
- remove final empty lines in pxd/pxi files by @fchapoton in #39087
- Add dependency groups to
by @tobiasdiez in #37446 - fix green function in projective_ds by @bhutz in #38161
- Hashing affine group elements by @tscrim in #38508
- Use the faster libgiac interface for "giac" integration by @orlitzky in #38686
- Fast conversion from numpy ndarray to vector by @user202729 in #38834
- Improve Matrix_mod2_dense solve_right performance by @maple3142 in #38843
- Remove imports from
by @tobiasdiez in #38874 - provide the tilde species of a species by @mantepse in #38883
- libbraiding version bump by @miguelmarco in #38887
- Implemented methods pertaining to the canonical partition of a matching covered graph by @janmenjayap in #38892
- Remove jupyter_execute directory after doc build finishes by @kwankyu in #38895
- Fix ruff issues in
by @tobiasdiez in #38909 - check for E302 by @fchapoton in #38920
- moving "is_integrally_closed" to the category setup. by @fchapoton in #38927
- src/sage/ don't pass if mismatched SAGE_ROOT is None by @orlitzky in #38935
- Fix flaky simplicial set test by @user202729 in #38940
- Allow specifying arguments to Cython cell_magic by @user202729 in #38945
- adding the ring of quantum-valued polynomials by @fchapoton in #38952
- Overwrote methods concerning loops for a matching covered graph by @janmenjayap in #38955
- Hide GAP finiteness warnings during isomorphism check by @orlitzky in #38956
- Allow powers of SignGroup elements to live in other parents by @behackl in #38958
- Do not allow order of AbelianGroup generator to be negative by @DaveWitteMorris in #38970
- Fix build of meataxe extension with meson by @antonio-rojas in #38972
- allow incomparable labels in SetPartition by @mantepse in #38974
- support left and right actions for species by @mantepse in #38975
- a few PERF4 suggestions by ruff fixed by @fchapoton in #38976
- minor details in some pyx files in sets by @fchapoton in #38977
- avoid using isinstance IntegralDomain in modules by @fchapoton in #38978
- Allow python ints in sage.groups.generic.has_order by @DaveWitteMorris in #38980
- Use meson as backend for numpy.f2py by @tobiasdiez in #38983
- Fix detection of tdlib and mcqd with meson by @antonio-rojas in #38984
- tentative of free-Algebra functor by @fchapoton in #38989
- many single-backticks should be double-backticks by @DaveWitteMorris in #38991
- Fix crash when specify invalid base for RR and RIF construction by @user202729 in #39001
- Fix a few minor typos by @tobiasdiez in #39014
- hot-fix for ruff linter by @fchapoton in #39021
New Contributors
- @soham30rane made their first contribution in #39024
- @bhutz made their first contribution in #38161
- @maple3142 made their first contribution in #38843
- @behackl made their first contribution in #38958
Full Changelog: 10.5...10.6.beta0