Releases: safe-global/safe-deployments
Releases · safe-global/safe-deployments
What's Changed
- feat (flow-testnet): add 1.3.0 contracts by @DenSmolonski in #982
- feat (flow-testnet): add 1.4.1 contracts by @DenSmolonski in #944
- feat: add flow 1.3.0 by @DenSmolonski in #981
- Bump Version to v1.37.30 by @github-actions in #983
Full Changelog: v1.37.29...v1.37.30
What's Changed
- feat: add 1.4.1 contracts for crab chain by @hujw77 in #967
- Bump Version to v1.37.29 by @github-actions in #968
- [New chain]: Form Network for v1.4.1 by @alfredolopez80 in #969
- [New chain]: Neo X Mainnet for v1.4.1 by @alfredolopez80 in #972
- [New chain]: Arthera Mainnet for v1.4.1 by @alfredolopez80 in #975
- [New chain]: U2U Solaris Mainnet for v1.4.1 by @Frankienude in #976
- [New chain]: Lit Protocol Testnet Chronicle Yellowstone for v1.4.1 by @alfredolopez80 in #974
- [New chain]: Neo X Testnet for v1.4.1 by @alfredolopez80 in #973
- [New chain]: Fuse Mainnet for v1.4.1 by @alfredolopez80 in #971
- [New chain]: Planq Network for v1.3.0 by @ivanshukhov in #980
- feat: mtt chain deployments by @mttakz in #979
New Contributors
- @Frankienude made their first contribution in #976
- @ivanshukhov made their first contribution in #980
- @mttakz made their first contribution in #979
Full Changelog: v1.37.28...v1.37.29
What's Changed
- feat: add Horizen Gobi Testnet 1.4.1 version contracts by @kkirkov in #957
- Bump Version to v1.37.28 by @github-actions in #958
- feat: add opBNB Testnet 1.4.1 version contracts by @kkirkov in #959
- feat: add Rollux Testnet 1.4.1 version contracts by @kkirkov in #960
- Add Flame by @joroshiba in #949
- Feat: Add Treasure Mainnet [PalmeraDao] by @alfredolopez80 in #962
- Feat: add taker chain mainet 1.4.1 vertion contracts by @albin-taker in #963
- Add v1.4.1 deployment addresses for Berachain by @akshay-ap in #965
- Add v1.3.0 deployment addresses for Berachain by @akshay-ap in #964
New Contributors
- @joroshiba made their first contribution in #949
- @albin-taker made their first contribution in #963
Full Changelog: v1.37.27...v1.37.28
What's Changed
- Feat: Add canonical address for unichain by @akshay-ap in #950
- Add v1.3.0 deployment addresses for Unichain by @akshay-ap in #951
- Bump Version to v1.37.26 by @github-actions in #952
- Add Forma by @mycodecrafting in #948
New Contributors
- @mycodecrafting made their first contribution in #948
Full Changelog: v1.37.25...v1.37.26
What's Changed
- Feat: Add canonical address for ink mainnet by @akshay-ap in #939
- Bump Version to v1.37.24 by @github-actions in #940
- Add Blaze testnet v1.4.1 contracts by @jenikd in #941
- Feat: add ver 1.3.0 safe-contracts on Zero Network Mainnet by @alfredolopez80 in #942
Full Changelog: v1.37.23...v1.37.24
What's Changed
- Filecoin 1.3.0 contracts by @msvstj in #930
- Filecoin calibration 1.3.0 contracts by @msvstj in #931
- feat: add 1.4.1 canonical contracts for HashKey Chain Mainnet by @fortyfourZ in #933
- feat: add 1.3.0 canonical contracts for Coredao Chain Testnet2 by @leeyanbtcs in #934
- Feat: Add LaChain network by @mauricio-b-r in #924
- Bump Version to v1.37.23 by @github-actions in #935
- feat: add 1.3.0 canonical contracts for HashKey Chain Mainnet by @fortyfourZ in #932
- Feat: Add Chronicle Yellowstone - Lit Protocol Testnet Chain by @alfredolopez80 in #929
- Feat: Add Conwai Mainnet Chain by @alfredolopez80 in #928
- Feat: Add Form Mainnet Chain by @alfredolopez80 in #927
- Feat: added latestnet network by @mauricio-b-r in #925
- Add 1.4.1 jfin mainnet (3501) by @tuahear in #936
- feat: add 1.4.1 canonical contracts for exSat Mainnet by @pursonc in #937
- feat: lens testnet v1.3.0 (zksync) by @defispartan in #938
New Contributors
- @fortyfourZ made their first contribution in #933
- @leeyanbtcs made their first contribution in #934
- @mauricio-b-r made their first contribution in #924
- @tuahear made their first contribution in #936
- @pursonc made their first contribution in #937
- @defispartan made their first contribution in #938
Full Changelog: v1.37.22...v1.37.23
What's Changed
- Contract Scan
Link Update by @remedcu in #912 - v1.4.1 Deployment for AppChain Testnet by @emrme in #915
- v1.4.1 Deployment for AppChain by @emrme in #916
- feat: add 1.3.0 contracts for Hemi Mainnet by @rokso in #913
- v1.3.0 Deployment for AppChain Testnet by @emrme in #914
- v1.3.0 Deployment for AppChain by @emrme in #918
- Bump Version to v1.37.22 by @github-actions in #917
- Add 1.4.1 contracts for Haust mainnet by @UrfinDeuce in #920
- v1.4.1 Deployment for Ink Mainnet by @akshay-ap in #923
- v1.3.0 Deployment for Ink Mainnet by @akshay-ap in #922
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.37.21...v1.37.22
What's Changed
- feat: add 1.4.1 contracts for Hemi Mainnet by @rokso in #891
- [FEAT] add 1.4.1 contracts deployed on Apechain by @jierlich in #892
- feat: add 1.3.0 canonical contracts for HashKey Chain Testnet by @HashKeyCloud in #893
- Bump Version to v1.37.21 by @github-actions in #901
- v1.4.1 Deployment for Sonic Mainnet by @nlordell in #902
- v1.4.1 Deployment for Waterfall Testnet9 by @on-waterfall in #903
- v1.4.1 Deployment for Waterfall Mainnet by @on-waterfall in #904
- feat: add 1.4.1 canonical contracts for HashKey Chain Testnet by @HashKeyCloud in #898
- v1.4.1 Deployment for exSat Testnet (Hayek) by @elmato in #905
- v1.3.0 Deployment for Blaze testnet by @jenikd in #909
- v1.3.0 Deployment for Sonic Mainnet by @jenikd in #908
- Added Kaia Kairos Testnet safe deployments by @praveen-kaia in #907
- v1.3.0 deployment for Mezo Matsnet by @pdyraga in #910
- add Metal L2 to v1.4.1 deployments by @MlennGarien in #911
New Contributors
- @jierlich made their first contribution in #892
- @HashKeyCloud made their first contribution in #893
- @on-waterfall made their first contribution in #903
- @elmato made their first contribution in #905
- @pdyraga made their first contribution in #910
Full Changelog: v1.37.20...v1.37.21