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Repository files navigation


cp .env.example .env

Add four DBs for Common, Transport, Order, Service. Then add it to env.

Add APP_URL value in .env

composer install

Key Generate

php artisan key:generate

php artisan jwt:secret

php artisan migrate --path=database/migrations/*

php artisan db:seed

php artisan company:seed

php artisan webpush:vapid

Run payroll_trigger.sql and store_payroll_trigger.sql in Payrolls Table

Change URL

In companies table change base_url, and socket_url. In admin_services table change base_url

Redis Installation

sudo apt update

sudo apt install redis-server

sudo nano /etc/redis/redis.conf

Change supervised no to supervised systemd

Save and exit the editor

sudo systemctl restart redis.service

Directories and Permissions

Enter your project path

sudo mkdir -p storage/app/public

ln -s [PROJECT_PATH]/storage/app/public/ public/storage

sudo mkdir -p public/uploads

sudo chmod -R 777 public/uploads/

sudo chmod -R 777 storage/ bootstrap/ config/

sudo chown -R www-data storage/ public/

sudo chgrp -R www-data storage/ public/

sudo chmod -R ug+rwx storage/

Install Node

sudo apt install curl

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -

sudo apt-get install nodejs

npm install

sudo npm install forever -g

Run Node

forever start nodejs/server.js

Kill Node port (Only to stop node)

killall -9 node

node nodejs/server.js

Run Application

For web server php artisan serve

For API server php artisan serve --port={PORT_NO}

Generate Swagger API Documentation

php artisan swagger:generate --ver={VERSION}

Remote Server Configuration

In Site Config

ProxyRequests off
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyVia Full
<Proxy *>
   Require all granted

<Location />
   ProxyPass http://localhost:{PORT_NO}/
   ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:{PORT_NO}/
RewriteEngine On

# 1.0+ starts all connections with an HTTP polling request
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} transport=polling       [NC]
RewriteRule /(.*)           http://localhost:{PORT_NO}/$1 [P]
# When wants to initiate a WebSocket connection, it sends an
# "upgrade: websocket" request that should be transferred to ws://
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Upgrade} websocket               [NC]
RewriteRule /(.*)           ws://localhost:{PORT_NO}/$1  [P]

Run following commands in Ubuntu server

sudo a2enmod proxy

sudo a2enmod proxy_balancer

sudo a2enmod proxy_http

sudo a2enmod proxy_wstunnel

If your port number is blocked by firewall, then use the following command sudo ufw allow {PORT_NO}/tcp



Pricing Logic Formula
Per Minute Pricing(MIN) BP+(TM*PM)
Per Hour Pricing(HOUR) BP+(TH*PH)
Distance Pricing(DISTANCE) BP+((TKM-BD)*PKM)
Distance and Per Minute Pricing(DISTANCEMIN) BP+((TKM-BD)PKM)+(TMPM)
Distance and Per Hour Pricing(DISTANCEHOUR) BP+((TKM-BD)PKM)+(THPH)
BP  - Base Price
BD  - Base Distance
TM  - Total Minutes
TH  - Total Hours
TKM - Total Kilo Meter
PM  - Per Minute
PH  - Per Hour
PKM - Per Kilo Meter

Estimation = Pricing Logic + Tax

Example with Distance Pricing

BP + (TKms-BD*PKms)



BD=1 km









Discount = 10% (Maximum 10$)

Waiting charge per minute = 1

Waiting Charge = 2

Price = BP + (TKms-BD*PKms) = 100+13.4 = 113.4


Commission=(5/100)*(Price+Tax)=(113.4+11.34)*5%=124.74*5% = 6.237 = 6.24

Price + Commission + Tax = 130.41

Fixed = BP + Commision + peakamount = 100 + 6.24 + 5 = 111.24

Distance = (TKms-BD*PKms) = 13.4

Commission = Commission% * Price = 6.24

Peak Comission = peak_price * peak_comission% = 5 * 2% = 0.10

Waiting Comission = Waiting Charge * waiting_comission% = 2 * 2% = 0.04

Discount = ((Price + Tax) * (Discount/100)) || Discount = 10

Tax = Price * ( tax_percentage/100 ) = 11.34

Total = Price + Tax + Commision + peakamount + total_waiting_amount + toll_price = 113.4 + 11.34 + 6.24 + 5 + 2 = 137.98

roundof - only if paid through cash

Payable Amount = Price + Tax - Discount + Commision + peakamount + total_waiting_amount + toll_price

= 113.4 + 11.34 - 10 + 6.24 + 5 + 2 = 127.98 = 128 (Round off)

Payable = Payable Amount

Provider Pay = ((Total+Discount) - Commision)-Tax + (peakamount+total_waiting_amount) + toll_price

= (147.98 - 6.24) - 11.34 = 130.4


Account Debit Credit Note
Admin $ recharge
User $ recharge

Cash Transaction

Amount will be given to provider and admin commission will be added to provider wallet as negative balance.

Admin Comission

Account Debit Credit Note
Admin 6.24 admin commission
Provider 6.24 admin commission

Fleet Commission

Account Debit Credit Note
Admin $ fleet_debit
Provider $ fleet_add
Admin $ fleet_recharge

Discount Transaction

Account Debit Credit Note
Admin 10.00 discount applied
Provider 10.00 discount amount refund
Admin 10.00 provider discount amount recharge

Tax Transaction

Account Debit Credit Note
Provider 11.34 tax_debit
Admin 11.34 tax_credit

Peak Amount

Account Debit Credit Note
Provider 0.10 peak_commission
Admin 0.10 peak_commission

Waiting Amount

Account Debit Credit Note
Provider 0.04 waiting_commission
Admin 0.04 waiting_commission

Provider Pay

Account Debit Credit Note
Provider 130.4 transport
Admin 130.4 transport

Wallet Transaction

Amount will be deducted from user and added to admin. Then provider pay will be added to provider wallet.

Wallet Transaction

Account Debit Credit Note
Admin 135.97 transport deduction
User 135.97 transport deduction

Admin Comission

Account Debit Credit Note
Admin 6.24 admin commission
Provider 6.24 admin commission

Tax Comission

Account Debit Credit Note
Provider 11.34 tax_debit
Admin 11.34 tax_credit

Peak Amount

Account Debit Credit Note
Provider 0.10 peak_commission
Admin 0.10 peak_commission

Provider Pay

Account Debit Credit Note
Provider 118.4 transport
Admin 118.4 transport

Card Transaction

Amount will be deducted from user and added to admin. Then provider pay will be added to provider wallet. Similar to wallet transaction.

Wallet + CASH

Amount will be deducted from user wallet and added to admin. Then provider pay subtracted from remaining cash will be added to provider wallet. Similar to wallet transaction. 100 deducted from wallet and 36 received as cash. 135.98 - 35.88 = 100.1 100.1 - (6.24 + 11.34 + 0.10) = 100.1 - 17.68 = 82.42 82.42 will be added to provider wallet

Wallet Transaction

Account Debit Credit Note
Admin 100.00 transport deduction
User 100.00 transport deduction

Admin Comission

Account Debit Credit Note
Admin 6.24 admin commission
Provider 6.24 admin commission

Tax Comission

Account Debit Credit Note
Provider 11.34 tax_debit
Admin 11.34 tax_credit

Peak Amount

Account Debit Credit Note
Provider 0.10 peak_commission
Admin 0.10 peak_commission

Provider Pay (118.4 - 36)

Account Debit Credit Note
Provider 82.42 transport
Admin 82.42 transport

Wallet + CARD

Amount will be deducted from user and added to admin. Then provider pay will be added to provider wallet. Similar to wallet transaction.

Wallet Transaction

Account Debit Credit Note
Admin 100.00 transport deduction
User 100.00 transport deduction

Admin Comission

Account Debit Credit Note
Admin 6.24 admin commission
Provider 6.24 admin commission

Tax Comission

Account Debit Credit Note
Provider 11.34 tax_debit
Admin 11.34 tax_credit

Peak Amount

Account Debit Credit Note
Provider 0.10 peak_commission
Admin 0.10 peak_commission

Provider Pay

Account Debit Credit Note
Provider 135.98 transport
Admin 118.40 transport


Account Debit Credit Note
Provider $ Amount deducted by admin
Admin (If amount > 0) $ Amount transferred to provider




Shop Offer=5%

Delivery Charge=50$

Packing Charges=10$

Item Discount=5$

Subtotal = $300.00

Shop Offer = 5% * $300.00 = 15

Shop GST = 10% * $300.00 = 10% * $300.00 = 30

Shop Package Charge = $10

Delivery Charge = $50

Total = (Subtotal + Shop GST + Shop Package Charge + Delivery Charge) - Shop Offer = (300 + 30 + 10 + 50) - 15 = $375

Admin Commission = Total * Commission% = 375*5% = 18.75

Shop Payment = Total - Commission - Delivery charge = 375-18.75-50 = 306.25

If promocode added,admin will bare the amount(Not showing in any record) Shop Discount(Shop will bare the amount,no record for the amount is shown)

Provider Transaction

Account Debit Credit Note
Provider 50.00 Order delivery amount sent
Admin 50.00 Order delivery amount recharge

Shop Comission

Account Debit Credit Note
Shop 306.25 Order amount recevied
Admin 306.25 Order amount sent
Admin 306.25 Order amount recharge

Admin Comission

Account Debit Credit Note
Admin 18.75 Shop Commission added


Pricing Logic Formula
BP  - Base Price
Qty - Quantity
PM  - Per Minute
TM  - Total Minutes
BD  - Base Distance
TD  - Total Distance

FIXED Example

BP * Qty

Base Fare=50


Minute=Base Fare=50


Base Price = Base Fare + Base Fare*5% = 50+5=55

Commission = Base Price*5% = 5

Tax = Fixed*5% = 5.50

Total = ($Fixed + $extracharges + $taxAmount) = 55+0+5.50=60.50

Account Debit Credit Note
Admin 5.00 admin commission
Provider 5.00 admin commission
Account Debit Credit Note
Admin 5.50 tax amount credited
Provider 5.50 tax amount debited

HOURLY Example

BP +(PM * TM)

Base Fare=50


Per Minute = $1

Total Minutes = 2

Minute=Base Fare+(Per Minute*Total Minutes)=50+(1*2)=50+2=52


Hour Price=Total Minutes*2 = $2

Base Price = Base Fare + Base Fare*5% = 50+5=55

Commission = Base Price*5% = 5

Tax = Fixed*5% = 5.50

Total = ($Fixed + $extracharges + $taxAmount) = 55+0+5.50=60.50







Multi-Service Provider App - API






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  • PHP 99.2%
  • Other 0.8%