Vue 3 app running with Vike. Uses optimizely CMS that is mocked in this demo
- https
- Pina
- i18n
- dayjs
- lazyloading
Node 18.x or higher.
npm install
npm run dev
First page load is SSR then client navigation.
The V1 design which this project is using.
Files that starts with +
will be loaded by vps without having to import them.
Files that do not start with +
is not handled by vps.
This has nothing to do with vps but with nodejs environment safety.
as a environment variable with the value 0
in code inside the project
The new folder Page is our new route and renderer is vps specifik files
├──src │ ├── renderer -- renders before the old SPA │ │ ├── +onBeforeRoute.ts -- first hook loaded, we use the url and store paths in pagecontext : will be rendered client/server on navigation │ │ ├── app.ts -- See this as app.vue / creates the app : creates on server and updates on client if needed. │ │ ├── +onRenderHtml.ts -- loads after onBeforeRender(the name duh) See this as index.html / renders the html : server only │ │ └── +onRenderClient.ts -- loads on navigation : client only │ ├── pages -- routing │ │ ├── _error │ │ | └── +Page -- will be rendered if throw exceptions │ │ ├── @slug and index │ │ │ ├── +Page.vue -- start page for the specifik route : client/server │ │ │ ├── +route.ts -- loads after +onBeforeRoute.ts and determit which route will be taken, can be set in +config if desired : client/server │ │ │ ├── +onBeforeRender.ts -- loads after +route and write code for that route before load pages : server only as default. │ │ | ├── +config -- settings for files in the same hierarchy and bellow │ │ | └── +Layout -- layout file, if not set it will pick rendere/LayoutDefault.ts │ │ └── index │ │ └── same as @layout. index is a folder that vps ignore so it's the root
- Build for production but with development configuration to use https localy
npm run build:dev
. This builds the Vike project with a development flag and runs the server as if it was running in production Then run the project withnpm run preview
server folder contains the following files that needs more explanation
- run.cjs - entry point for the server
- "start": "start script for the node server",
- "build": "build script for the node server",
- "postbuild": "runs after build and copies package.json, run.cjs and web.config to dist folder"
- web.config - iis config for the server, sets entrypoint file to run.cjs to run js modules correctly.
- Pipeline runs npm run build in server folder
- Publishes dist folder as artifact
- Copy Files to: /dist/dist: Copy dist files to dist folder to be able to deploy dist folder and not just the files inside it.
- Replace tokens in /dist - Replace variable placeholders with values from pipeline variables
- Deploy node app - deploys build dist folder