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Project setup for building harpy

Roberto Doering edited this page Oct 3, 2022 · 1 revision

Whether you want to contribute to harpy or just build it for personal use, you can use these instructions to get the project running.


  • Install flutter and follow the android setup instructions
    • harpy uses the latest flutter stable for development.
  • Get access to the Twitter api and follow the api key setup guide.
    • If you don't have access to the api but would still like to develop for harpy, shoot me an email and I can give you test credentials that you can use for development.

Project setup

  • After cloning the repository, get dependencies and run the build runner once to generate code

    • flutter pub get
    • flutter pub run build_runner build
  • You should now be able to run the project. Connect your android device or start an emulator and run the following command to build harpy:

    • free version: flutter run --flavor free --dart-define=flavor=free --dart-define=twitter_consumer_key=your_consumer_key --dart-define=twitter_consumer_secret=your_consumer_secret

    • pro version: flutter run --flavor pro --dart-define=flavor=pro --dart-define=twitter_consumer_key=your_consumer_key --dart-define=twitter_consumer_secret=your_consumer_secret

      Hint: you can add the --release flag if you are not building for development.

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