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Robbie Hanson edited this page Jan 13, 2014 · 12 revisions

NEW : There is a full eBook on the XMPP Framework !


GettingStarted_iOS Getting started using XMPPFramework in an iOS project.
GettingStarted_Mac Getting started using XMPPFramework in a Mac OS X targeted application.
ARC Supporting ARC files in a non-ARC project.
IntroToFramework An overview of the various components in XMPPFramework.


XEPs XEPs Supported By the XMPPFramework.
FacebookChatHowTo How-to implement Facebook Chat.
WorkingWithElements How to work with IQ, Message, & Presence elements
MulticastDelegate What is MulticastDelegate? Why is it used?


XMPP_CoreData Core Data (optional) usage within the framework.
Threading Threading architecture & thread safety.
Security TLS/SSL, Certificates etc.


WhatsNewInV3 What's new in version 3 of XMPP Framework. (historical)
ThirdPartyCode A list of the framework's dependencies.
CompilingLibidn If you prefer to compile your own version of libidn.

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