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Export your logs to the service of your choice.


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Export your logs to the service of your choice.

I created this library because I wanted to export logs to a different service in Heroku. There is no simple way to export your logs.

Supported exporters:

  • Loki
  • Mezmo (LogDNA)

Implement your own exporter using LoggerExporter.Exporters.Exporter behaviour.

Supported formatters:

  • Basic. By default, it will read your logger :console format configuration. Example:
    config :logger, :console, format: "$time $message"
    Defaults to $time $metadata[$level] $message

Implement your own formatter using LoggerExporter.Formatters.Formatter behaviour.

Plug Logger

A plug for logging request information. It will log the method, path, params, status and duration.

You can add it to your MyApp.Endpoint:

  # Log level defaults to :info
  plug LoggerExporter.Loggers.Plug

  # Dynamic log
  plug LoggerExporter.Loggers.Plug, log: {__MODULE__, :log_level, []}

  # Disables logging for routes like /health_check
  def log_level(%{path_info: ["health_check"]}), do: false
  def log_level(_), do: :info


Add logger_exporter to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:logger_exporter, "~> 0.4.0"}


By default, the timestamp sent for each log to the external service is in UTC: System.os_time(:nanosecond)

option description default
level The logger level to report. :info
formatter Allows the selection of a formatter implementation. LoggerExporter.Formatters.BasicFormatter
metadata Metadata to log. []
exporter Allows selection of a exporter implementation. LoggerExporter.Exporters.LokiExporter
host The host of the service without the path. The path is inferred by the exporter. No default. Required
app_name The name of the app to use as label. No default. Required
environment_name The name of the app to use as label. No default. Required
http_client Allows the selection of the HTTP client. LoggerExporter.HttpClient.ReqClient
send_to_http If set to false, the library will not make any actual API calls. This is useful for test or dev environments. true
http_auth See below for configuration No default


Supported authentication methods:

  • Basic
  • Bearer
  • Custom
auth examples result
basic {:basic, "user", "pxIsldPlwty"} "Authorization: Basic CshL2XlkX57cww=="
bearer {:bearer, "WmRUuBOnTjDwP6jo3bno"} "Authorization: Bearer WmRUuBOnTjDwP6jo3bno"
custom {:header, "apiKey", "dAWRQQkZCc2A=="} "apiKey: dAWRQQkZCc2A=="

Usage in Phoenix

  1. Add the following to deps section of your mix.exs: {:logger_exporter, "~> 0.4.0"} and then mix deps.get

  2. Add LoggerExporter.Backend to your logger's backends configuration

    config :logger,
      backends: [:console, LoggerExporter.Backend]
  3. Add config related to the exporter and other fields. ie. for LokiExporter

    config :logger, LoggerExporter,
      host: "http://localhost:3100",
      app_name: "my_app",
      environment_name: config_env(),
      http_auth: {:basic, System.fetch_env!("LOKI_USER"), System.fetch_env!("LOKI_PASSWORD")},
      metadata: [:request_id]
  4. Start the LoggerExporter GenServer in the supervised children list. In application.ex add to the children list:

    children [
  5. (Optional) Add custom Plug logger. In MyApp.Endpoint add the plug after Plug.Parsers. If you see duplicate logs, remove Plug.Telemetry from your endpoint.

    plug Plug.Parsers,
    plug LoggerExporter.Loggers.Plug

JSON Formatter Example

If you want to log in JSON format, you can use the formatter of another library: logger_json

You need to implement the following formatter using the LoggerExporter.Formatters.Formatter behaviour.

defmodule MyFormatter do
  @behaviour LoggerExporter.Formatters.Formatter

  alias LoggerJSON.Formatters.BasicLogger

  @impl true
  def format_event(level, msg, ts, md, md_keys) do
    BasicLogger.format_event(level, msg, ts, md, md_keys, [])
    |> Jason.encode!()

Then, configure it like this:

config :logger, LoggerExporter,
  formatter: MyFormatter

Tada! You have JSON logs!


Telemetry integration for logging and error reporting.

There is a default logger for you to attach. It logs when the status is :error

In your application.ex

:ok = LoggerExporter.Telemetry.attach_default_logger()

HTTP Post batch events

LoggerExporter emits the following events for processing each batch (sending it through http)

  • [:logger_exporter, :batch, :start] -- starting to process the events
  • [:logger_exporter, :batch, :stop] -- after the events is processed
  • [:logger_exporter, :batch, :exception] -- after the events are processed

The following chart shows which metadata you can expect for each event:

event measures metadata
:start :system_time :events
:stop :duration :events, :status, :response
:exception :duration :events, :kind, :reason, :stacktrace


  • :events - the list of LoggerExporter.Event processed.
  • :status - either :ok or :error.
  • :response - information of the response.


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