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Simple Calculator


Simple Calculator is a program to make basic arithmetic calculations like adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing, as well as calculating percentages. Also, it can store values in memory, add and subtract them.

You can select and copy the display result.


Input a value with the keypad on the screen or the physical keyboard, select an operator, enter the second value, then press = to make a calculation.

Clean a value

If you want to delete the last value entered you can click on the C button (C for Clean) or press the key "c" on the keyboard.

By the other hand, if you want to reset all values you can use the ON/CA button or press "a" on the keyboard.


To work with percentages enter a value, later an operator and then the percent button. It is not necessary to click on the equal button. By example: 1500, X button, 12, % button, will return 180. This operation can be made with the keyboard with the next sequence: 1500 * 12 %.

Plus and minus sign

To make a number positive or negative just click the +/- button or press "s" on the keyboard.

Memory functions

To add a value to memory click on M+ button or use "d" on the keyboard. To decrease the value on screen to memory click on M- button or "f" on the keyboard. When a value is stored on the memory an indicator with an M on the screen will be shown.


The display is limited to showing only 8 digits and a minus sign. If decimals are present they will be rounded to minimize the value to 8 digits. If the value is more than 8 digits the screen will show "NO SPACE".