- Lyon
- http://rdunklau.github.io/
A template for PostgreSQL High Availability with Etcd, Consul, ZooKeeper, or Kubernetes
A eBPF based lock tracer for the PostgreSQL database
PostgreSQL extension upgrade script validation
Une présentation donnée aux pg_day 2012 (07/06)
rdunklau / vim-jshint
Forked from sleistner/vim-jshintA plugin that allow you to run jshint from vim.
rdunklau / Pyrseas
Forked from perseas/PyrseasProvides a framework and utilities to upgrade and maintain a relational database.
A Foreign Data Wrapper allowing you to see data in database.com/Force.com from PostgreSQL
rdunklau / qtile-config
Forked from paradoxxxzero/qtile-configMy qtile config
A self-contained repo for the jinja vim plugin
A quick-n-dirty import loader using python3 annotations to create pl/python functions
A plugin that allow you to run jshint from vim.
A simple JQuery console emulator
A postgresql dialect based on psycopg2 adding support for Foreign Data Wrappers
Provides utilities for Postgres database schema versioning.
Adds SQLAlchemy support to Flask
A simple JQuery console emulator