npm install @tegan/create-modular-scale
* @param {number} base.
* @param {number|string} ratio
* @returns {function} scale function that accepts a modifier (i.e., number of
* steps to go up or down the scale)
function createModularScale(base = 1, ratio = "golden")
If ratio is a string, it must be one of the keys in the following object. If a string is used that does not match any of the available ratios, the default "golden"
will be used.
const ratios = {
minorSecond: 0.9375, //..................15 / 16
majorSecond: 0.888888888888889, //........8 / 9
minorThird: 0.833333333333333, //.........5 / 6
majorThird: 0.8, //.......................4 / 5
perfectFourth: 0.75, //...................3 / 4
augmentedFourth: 0.707106781186548, //....1 / Math.sqrt(2)
perfectFifth: 0.666666666666667, //.......2 / 3
minorSixth: 0.625, //.....................5 / 8
golden: 0.618046971569839, //.............1 / 1.618
majorSixth: 0.6, //.......................3 / 5
minorSeventh: 0.5625, //..................9 / 16
majorSeventh: 0.533333333333333, //.......8 / 15
octave: 0.5, //...........................1 / 2
majorTenth: 0.4, //.......................2 / 5
majorEleventh: 0.375, //..................3 / 8
majorTwelfth: 0.333333333333333, //.......1 / 3
doubleOctave: 0.25 //.....................1 / 4
import createModularScale from "@tegan/create-modular-scale";
// Scale relative to 16 (e.g., px)
const pixelScale = createModularScale(16, "golden");
pixelScale(-1); //=> 15.38195302843016
pixelScale(0); //=> 16
pixelScale(1); //=> 16.61804697156984
pixelScale(2); //=> 17.23609394313968
// Scale relative to 1 (e.g., rem)
const remScale = createModuleScale(1, "golden");
remScale(-1); //=> 0.381953028430161
remScale(0); //=> 1
remScale(1); //=> 1.618046971569839
remScale(2); //=> 2.236093943139678