Built leveraging OpenStreetMap data to create an interactive map of tourist spots.
GeoGnossis aims to provide the user the opportunity to find the tourist attractions in an area by name or coordinates. By leveraging OpenStreetMap(OSM) data through the Overpass API, this project extracts tourist attraction data, processes it, and presents it on an interactive map.
Utilizing the Overpass API, Geognossis retrieves tourist attraction data from OSM and saves it in XML format.
The XML data is parsed using XPath to extract pertinent information about tourist attractions. Subsequently, the data undergoes conversion from XML to JSON format, enabling seamless storage in MongoDb.
Geognossis facilitates database queries to retrieve specific tourist attractions, which are then plotted on an interactive map displayed in HTML format.
OpenStreetMap (OSM) data is available under the Open Database License (ODbL)
Flask, XML, MongoDB, Leaflet.js, Geopy, Overpass API
Setup python environment
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r ./config/requirements.txt
Run the Flask app
flask run
Open your browser and navigate to to see the application in action.