Client for loading authorization data from the authorization service
The client provides the interface for loading the security context for the process.
the constructor expects two configuration parameters: the first is the host of the authorization server, the second is the name of the service to fetch permissions for.
import AuthorizationClient from '../es-moodules/rainbow-industries/rainbow-authorization-client/AuthorizationClient.js';
const client = new AuthorizationClient({
host: 'host.of.auth.server',
serviceName: 'my-super-service',
This method loads the context for the given tokens provided by the client via the authorization header. Multiple tokens ma be passed. A SecurityCotnext instance will be returned which can be sued to query permissions and user / service or app infos
const securityContext = await client.getSecurityContext();
This class is used to query the permissions and user / service / app infos.
Checks if a given action is allowed on the current service and controller
const isAllowed = securityContext.isActionAllowed(controllerName, actionName);
Loads the subject infos from the different services (aps, users, services). Must be called before querying an other infos about subjects.
await securityContext.loadsubjectInfo();