A ClojureScript library of general-purpose tools for building applications with Om and Facebook's React.
Leiningen dependency (Clojars): [prismatic/om-tools "0.2.2"]
This is an alpha release. The API and organizational structure are subject to change. Comments and contributions are much appreciated.
om-tools aims to provide higher-order abstractions and utilities frequently useful when building components with Om's API.
mirrors the om.dom
namespace while using macros and
minimal runtime overhead to make the following improvements:
- Element attributes are not required to be JavaScript values and are
optional. You don't need to use the
reader macro ornil
for no attributes. - More natural attribute names. We translate attributes like
to stay consistent with Clojure naming conventions. - Children can be in collections. You don't need to use
if you have a sequence of children or useconcat
for combining sequences of siblings.
Example by comparison. First with om.dom
(ns example
(:require [om.dom :as dom :include-macros true]))
(apply dom/ul #js {:className "a-list"}
(for [i (range 10)]
(dom/li #js {:style #js {:color "red"}}
(str "Item " i)))))
And with om-tools.dom
(ns example
(:require [om-tools.dom :as dom :include-macros true]))
(dom/ul {:class "a-list"}
(for [i (range 10)]
(dom/li {:style {:color "red"}}
(str "Item " i)))))
The om-tools.core/defcomponent
macro defines Om component
constructor functions.
It has two main advantages over the ordinary defn
& reify
Adds Schema support to specify and validate the data when component is built.
One of React's most powerful features is prop validation, which allows a component's author to document and validate which properties a component requires and their types. This functionality is not utilized in Om because we use normal ClojureScript data structures as component inputs. However, with more complex input structures, documentation and validation are even more important.
Schema annotations are optional and validation is disabled by default.
Removes boilerplate code around using
to instantiate objects with Om lifecycle methods. Component definitions become much smaller and easier to read.
Example of defcomponent
including schema annotation:
(ns example
[om-tools.core :refer-macros [defcomponent]]
[om-tools.dom :include-macros true]))
(defcomponent counter [data :- {:init js/Number} owner]
(will-mount [_]
(om/set-state! owner :n (:init data)))
(render-state [_ {:keys [n]}]
(dom/span (str "Count: " n))
{:on-click #(om/set-state! owner :n (inc n))}
{:on-click #(om/set-state! owner :n (dec n))}
(om/root counter {:init 5}
{:target (. js/document -body)})
The om-tools.core/defcomponentk
macro is similar to defcomponent
except that it uses Plumbing's fnk
syntax for constructor arguments.
This enables succinct and declaritive definition of the structure and
requirements of component input data.
It also provides additional useful utilities mentioned in Component Inputs.
The args vector of defcomponentk
Fnk syntax
that's optimized for destructuring (nested) maps with keyword keys.
It is the similar pattern used in our
Fnhouse library to
expressively declare HTTP handlers.
If you are unfamiliar with this syntax, here are some quick comparisons to default Clojure map destructuring.
{:keys [foo bar]} :: [foo bar]
{:keys [foo bar] :as m} :: [foo bar :as m]
{:keys [foo bar] :or {bar 21}} :: [foo {bar 21}]
{{:keys [baz qux]} :foo :keys [bar]} :: [[:foo baz qux] bar]
However, an important distinction between Clojure's default
destructuring and Fnk-style is that specified keys are required by
Rather than defaulting to nil
, if a key that's destructured is
missing and no default value is specified, an error is thrown.
By being explicit about component inputs, we are less error-prone and debugging is often easier because errors happen closer to the source.
The map that's passed to defcomponentk
arg vector has the following
Key | Description |
:data |
The data (cursor) passed to component when built |
:owner |
The backing React component |
:opts |
The optional map of options passed when built |
:shared |
The map of globally shared data from om.core/get-shared |
:state |
An atom-like object for convenience to om.core/get-state and om.core/set-state! |
(ns example
[schema.macros :refer [defschema]])
[om.core :as om]
[om-tools.core :refer-macros [defcomponentk]]))
(defschema ProgressBar
{:value js/Number
(s/optional-key :min) js/Number
(s/optional-key :max) js/Number})
(defcomponentk progress-bar
"A simple progress bar"
[[:data value {min 0} {max 100}] :- ProgressBar owner]
(render [_]
(dom/div {:class "progress-bar"}
{:style {:width (-> (/ value (- max min))
(* 100)
(str "%"))}}))))
;; Valid
(om/root progress-bar {:value 42}
{:target (. js/document (getElementById "app"))})
;; Throws error: Key :value not found in (:wrong-data)
(om/root progress-bar {:wrong-data true}
{:target (. js/document (getElementById "app"))})
;; Throws error: Value does not match schema
(om/root progress-bar {:value "42"}
{:target (. js/document (getElementById "app"))})
A component using defcomponntk
can use the key, :state
, to access
an atom-like object that conveniently wraps om.core/get-state
so that we can read and write state idiomatically
with deref
, reset!
and swap!
(defcomponentk progress-bar
"A simple progress bar"
[[:data value {min 0} {max 100}] state]
(render [_]
(dom/div {:class "progress-bar"}
{:style {:width (-> (/ value (- max min))
(* 100)
(str "%"))}
:on-mouse-enter #(swap! state assoc :show-value? true)
:on-mouse-leave #(swap! state assoc :show-value? false))}
(when (:show-value? @state)
(str value "/" total))))))
It's important to note that while state
looks and behaves like
an atom
, there is at least one minor difference: changes made by
and reset!
are not immediately available if you deref
in the same render phase.
React provides mixin functionality to handle cross-cutting concerns and allow highly reusable component behaviors. While mixins are possible with Om, it does not provide much functionality to support this React feature. One issue is that you must create a React constuctor and specify it each time the component is built. This puts the responsibility of using mixins on both the component (create a constructor) and its parent (specify the constructor). Another issue is having to drop down to raw JavaScript functions, breaking you out of Om's data and state abstractions.
om-tools provides a defmixin
macro in the om-tools.mixin
to define mixins. The syntax of defmixin
follows same pattern as the
component macros.
One last thing: the factory functions created by
(ie (->component-name data)
encapsulate any custom constructor automatically. So a parent
component no longer needs to be aware when a child uses mixins!
Here's how you could reimplement React's mixin example:
(ns example
[om-tools.core :refer-macros [defcomponentk]]
[om-tools.dom :as dom :include-macros true]
[om-tools.mixin :refer-macros [defmixin]]))
(defmixin set-interval-mixin
(will-mount [owner]
(set! (. owner -intervals) #js []))
(will-unmount [owner]
(.. owner -intervals (map js/clearInterval)))
(set-interval [owner f t]
(.. owner -intervals (push (js/setInterval f t)))))
(defcomponentk tick-tock [owner state]
(:mixins set-interval-mixin)
(init-state [_]
{:seconds 0})
(did-mount [_]
(.set-interval owner #(swap! state update-in [:seconds] inc) 1000))
(render [_]
(str "React has been running for " (:seconds @state) " seconds."))))
See example for full version.
Please feel free to open an issue on GitHub
For announcements of new releases, you can also follow on @PrismaticEng on Twitter.
We welcome contributions in the form of bug reports and pull requests; please see CONTRIBUTING.md in the repo root for guidelines.
Copyright (C) 2014 Prismatic and Contributors. Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.