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Geocodificado recursivo #5

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions DESCRIPTION
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@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
Package: caRtociudad
Type: Package
Title: Interface to Cartociudad API
Version: 0.5.2
Version: 0.5.4
Date: 2017-07-26
Encoding: UTF-8
Authors@R: c(person("Carlos J.", "Gil Bellosta", email="[email protected]", role=c('cre', 'aut')),
person("Luz", "Frías", email = "[email protected]", role = "aut"))
Author: Carlos J. Gil Bellosta, Luz Frías
Maintainer: Carlos J. Gil Bellosta <[email protected]>
Description: Access to Cartociudad cartography API, which provides mapping and other related services for Spain.
Imports: httr, jsonlite, xml2, plyr, geosphere
Imports: httr, jsonlite, xml2, plyr, geosphere, utils
Depends: R (>= 3.0.0)
Suggests: ggmap, testthat
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114 changes: 93 additions & 21 deletions R/cartociudad_geocode.R
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#' @title Interface to Cartociudad geolocation API
#' @description Geolocation of Spanish addresses via Cartociudad API calls, providing the
#' full address in a single text string via \code{full_address}. It is
#' advisable to add the street type (calle, etc.) and to omit the country
#' name.
#' @description Geolocation of Spanish addresses via Cartociudad API calls,
#' providing the full address in a single text string via \code{full_address}.
#' It is advisable to add the street type (calle, etc.) and to omit the
#' country name.
#' @usage cartociudad_geocode(full_address, output_format = "JSON")
#' @usage cartociudad_geocode(full_address, version = c("current", "prev"),
#' output_format = "JSON")
#' @param full_address Character string providing the full address to be
#' geolocated; e.g., "calle miguel servet 5, zaragoza". Adding the country may
#' cause problems.
#' @param output_format Character string. Output format of the query: "JSON" or
#' "GeoJSON".
#' "GeoJSON". Only applicable if you choose version = "previous".
#' @param version Character string. Geocoder version to use: "current" or
#' "prev".
#' @return A data frame consisting of a single row per guess. See the reference
#' @return A data frame consisting of a single row per query. See the reference
#' below for an explanation of the data frame columns.
#' @author Carlos J. Gil Bellosta
Expand All @@ -27,23 +30,92 @@
#' \url{}
#' @examples
#' # using full address
#' my.address <- cartociudad_geocode(full_address = "plaza de cascorro 11, 28005 madrid")
#' # Query a single address
#' address <- "plaza de cascorro 11, 28005 madrid"
#' my.address <- cartociudad_geocode(full_address = address)
#' print(my.address)
#' # Query multiple addresses
#' address <- c(address, "plaza del ayunamiento 1, valencia")
#' my.address <- cartociudad_geocode(full_address = address)
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Misma recomendación que con cartociudad_reverse_geocode: sugiero incluir un test para múltiples direcciones

#' print(my.address)
#' @export
cartociudad_geocode <- function(full_address, output_format = "JSON") {
api.args <- list(q = full_address, outputformat = output_format)
ua <- get_cartociudad_user_agent()
res <- httr::GET("",
query = api.args, ua)
cartociudad_geocode <- function(full_address, version = c("current", "prev"),
output_format = "JSON") {

stopifnot(class(full_address) == "character")
stopifnot(length(full_address) >= 1)
version <- match.arg(version)
no_geocode <- which(nchar(full_address) == 0)
total <- length(full_address)
res_list <- list(total)
curr_names <- c("id", "province", "muni", "tip_via", "address", "portalNumber",
"refCatastral", "postalCode", "lat", "lng", "stateMsg",
"state", "type")
prev_names <- c("road_fid", "province", "municipality", "road_type", "road_name",
"numpk_name", "numpk_fid", "zip", "latitude", "longitude",
"comments", "status")
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = total, style = 3)
empty_df <-
matrix(NA_character_, nrow = 0, ncol = length(curr_names), dimnames = list(c(), curr_names)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE

for (i in seq_len(total)) {
res_list[[i]] <- empty_df
if (!i %in% no_geocode) {
ua <- get_cartociudad_user_agent()
if (version == "current") {
api.args <- list(q = full_address[i], outputformat = output_format)
get_url <- ""
} else {
api.args <- list(max_results = 1, address = full_address[i])
get_url <- ""
res <- httr::GET(get_url, query = api.args, ua)
if (httr::http_error(res)) {
warning("Error in query ", i, ": ", httr::http_status(res)$message)
res_list[[i]] <- plyr::rbind.fill(
data.frame(address = full_address[i], version = version, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else {
res <- jsonp_to_json(suppressMessages(httr::content(res, as = "text")))
res <- jsonlite::fromJSON(res)
res <- res[-which(names(res) %in% c("geom", "countryCode", "error", "success"))]
if (version == "current") {
res <- lapply(res, function(x) ifelse(is.null(x), NA_character_, x))
} else {
res <- res[[1]]
if (length(res) == 0) {
warning("The query has 0 results.")
res_list[[i]] <- plyr::rbind.fill(
data.frame(address = full_address[i], version = version, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else {
if (version == "current") {
res_list[[i]] <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[, curr_names]
res_list[[i]] <- cbind(res_list[[i]], version = "current")
} else {
res_list[[i]] <- cbind(res[, prev_names], type = NA_character_, version = "prev")
names(res_list[[i]]) <- c(curr_names, "version")
row.names(res_list[[i]]) <- NULL
} else {
warning("Empty string as query: NA returned.")
res_list[[i]] <- empty_df[1, ]
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)

res <- jsonp_to_json(httr::content(res, as = "text", encoding = "UTF8"))
res <- jsonlite::fromJSON(res)
res <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
res[, c(grep("lat", names(res)), grep("lng", names(res)))] <-
apply(res[, c(grep("lat", names(res)), grep("lng", names(res)))], 2, as.numeric)
results <- plyr::rbind.fill(res_list)
results[, c("lat", "lng")] <- apply(results[, c("lat", "lng")], 2, as.numeric)
72 changes: 46 additions & 26 deletions R/cartociudad_reverse_geocode.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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#' @param longitude Point longitude in geographical coordinates (e.g.,
#' -3.7227241)
#' @return A list with the following items:
#' @return A data frame consisting of a single row per query, with columns:
#' \item{tipo}{type of location.}
#' \item{tipo.via}{road type.}
#' \item{nombre.via}{road name.}
Expand All @@ -32,34 +32,54 @@
#' \url{}
#' @examples
#' # Query one point
#' cartociudad_reverse_geocode(40.473219, -3.7227241)
#' # Query multiple points
#' cartociudad_reverse_geocode(c(40.473219, 39.46979), c(-3.7227241, -0.376963))
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Como recomendación, estaría bien añadir un test en tests/testthat.R con el caso de llamar a cartociudad_reverse_geocode para múltiples localizaciones

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Yo me ocupo de las pruebas.
He pensado en comprobar el funcionamiento ante casos típicos que estoy viendo, como una dirección sin número (devuelve la geometría de toda la vía y la latitud y longitud del portal 0), portales y pk's inexistentes (devolución del punto más próximo), y viales inexistentes.

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#' @export
cartociudad_reverse_geocode <- function(latitude, longitude) {

query.parms <- list(
lat = latitude,
lon = longitude

url <- ""
ua <- get_cartociudad_user_agent()

res <- httr::GET(url, query = query.parms, ua)
info <- httr::content(res)
# Parse the response
res <- list(
tipo = info$type,
tipo.via = info$tip_via,
nombre.via = info$address,
num.via = info$portalNumber, = info$id,
municipio = info$muni,
provincia = info$province,
cod.postal = info$postalCode
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Sobre la eliminación de esto, creo que conviene mantener en el paquete el mapeo de nombres, para:

  • Mantener coherencia: son nombres con mismo idioma, mismo formato, no como los que devuelve directamente la API (hay inglés, español, underscored, camelCased, ...)
  • Mantener retro-compatibilidad con los usuarios actuales
  • Asegurar futura compatibilidad: si se lanza una nueva versión de la API y los campos tienen otros nombres, cambiamos el mapeo en el paquete, y la actualización será transparente para los usuarios

Dime cómo lo ves. Si estás de acuerdo, sería bueno mantener el trozo de documentación eliminado sobre los nombres

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Me parece perfecto, aunque creo que sería mejor devolver un data.frame en lugar de una lista. ¿Conservamos esa parte?

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OK, totalmente de acuerdo, tiene más sentido ahora que está vectorizado


stopifnot(length(latitude) == length(longitude) | length(latitude) == 0)

res_list <- list()
url <- ""
ua <- get_cartociudad_user_agent()
no_select <- c("geom", "poblacion", "stateMsg", "state", "priority", "countryCode")
total <- length(latitude)
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = total, style = 3)

for (i in seq_len(total)) {
query.parms <- list(lat = latitude[i], lon = longitude[i])
res <- httr::GET(url, query = query.parms, ua)

if (httr::http_error(res)) {
warning("Error in query ", i, ": ", httr::http_status(res)$message)
res_list[[i]] <- data.frame(lat = latitude[i], lng = longitude[i],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else if (length(httr::content(res)) == 0) {
warning("Query ", i, " produced 0 results.")
res_list[[i]] <- data.frame(lat = latitude[i], lng = longitude[i],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else {
info <- httr::content(res)
info <- info[-which(names(info) %in% no_select)]
res_list[[i]] <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)

results <- plyr::rbind.fill(res_list)
names_old <- c("type", "tip_via", "address", "portalNumber", "id",
"muni", "province", "postalCode", "lat", "lng")
names_new <- c("tipo", "tipo.via", "nombre.via", "num.via", "",
"municipio", "provincia", "cod.postal", "lat", "lng")
for (i in seq_len(ncol(results))) {
colnames(results)[colnames(results) == names_old[i]] <- names_new[i]

28 changes: 19 additions & 9 deletions man/cartociudad_geocode.Rd

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6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion man/cartociudad_reverse_geocode.Rd

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