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Amy B edited this page May 25, 2021 · 26 revisions

QGIS Open Day - QGIS Cutting Edge (2021-05-28)

This month QGIS Open Day is dedicated to some of the amazing new and unique things you can do with QGIS.

Simply watch the Youtube Livestream on the day.

To keep up to date with QGIS Open Day events, please join the Telegram channel.

Programme overview:

Virtual events will be taking place online (see links below) and in the telegram chat room, and with many events also being live-streamed on YouTube. See the individual event descriptions below for an indication of where to join each event.

QGISOpenDay 28th May 2021

No Name Time Coordinator Country Language
1 GIS water - QGIS plugin to manage water networks 10h00 UTC Xavier Torret & Albert Bofill Spain English
2 QGIS in Conda - A use case with PCRaster tools 11h00 UTC Hans van der Kwast The Netherlands English
3 LIDAR and QGIS - beginning of beautiful friendship - vol.2 - point clouds to rasters 12h30 UTC Tibor Lieskovsky Slovakia English
4 QGIS in an open source GIS stack 15h00 UTC Tim Sutton Portugal English


No Name Role Contact
1 Amy Session planning and speaker coordination Contact Amy via the Telegram Channel username @Amz


Giswater - QGIS plugin to manage water networks

Time: 28 May 2021 10h00 UTC.

Duration: 60 mins

Venue: Youtube Live Stream Link

Presenter: Xavier Torret & Albert Bofill

An open meeting and discussion about the QGIS plugin to manage water networks.

QGIS in Conda - a use case with PCRaster tools

Time: 28 May 2021 11h00 UTC.

Duration: 60 mins

Venue: Youtube Live Stream Link

Presenter: Hans van der Kwast

With QGIS installed in a Conda environment, we can combine the power of QGIS with other available packages without much effort. In this session you'll see how easy it is to setup a Conda environment with QGIS. Next, as an example, we'll install PCRaster, which provides modules for map algebra. In the QGIS Python console we can then import PCRaster, but it's also possible to write processing tools that integrate in the Processing Toolbox and can be used in the Graphical Modeler. Currently around 100 PCRaster tools are available for QGIS in Conda and can be easily installed through the QGIS Resource Sharing Plugin. Some of these tools for environmental analysis and hydrological studies will be demonstrated.

LIDAR and QGIS - beginning of beautiful friendship - vol.2 - point clouds to rasters

Time: 28 May 2021 12h30 UTC

Duration: 60 - 80 mins

Venue: Youtube Live Stream Link

Presenter Tibor Lieskovsky

This presentation shall focus on ways to convert point clouds to hi-resolution DEM with a discussion on the topic. There will be a few simple workflows on how to clean up the data as well. Finally the session will cover some visualization techniques for hi - resolution lidar. Workflow will be based on QGIS and FOSS (mainly on WhiteboxTools from John Lindsay).

QGIS in an open source GIS stack

Time: 28 May 2021 15h00 UTC.

Duration: 90 mins

Venue: Youtube Live Stream Link

Presenter: Tim Sutton

Tim will be sharing how you can build a complete open source GIS stack with QGIS at the heart of the stack. He will show how docker and a mega docker-compose file can be used to integrate a whole range of different open source GIS technologies into one platform. Don't worry if you don't know much about docker, the focus will be on moving data and integration between the different parts of the stack which will include QGIS Server, Mergin, PostgreSQL, GeoServer, and more!

Brazilian Edition

QGISOpenDay 29th May 2021

No Name Time Speaker Language Tag
1 QGIS e OpenStreetMap: softwares livres para o mapeamento 12h00 UTC Tatiana Pará Portuguese OSM
2 Uso do QGIS Server e banco de dados PostgreSQL em mapas interativos 13h00 UTC Fábio Rodrigo de Oliveira e Alex Joci dos Santos Portuguese Raspberry Pi4
3 Uso do QGIS na Acadêmia 14h00 UTC Leônidas Descovi Portuguese Academic
4 Possibilidades de PDI com QGIS 17h00 UTC Prof. Gustavo Batista Portuguese Satellite
5 SQL no QGIS 18h00 UTC Kyle Felipe Portuguese PostGIS
6 Interpolação por Krigagem e Machine Learning no QGIS 3.X 19h00 UTC Domingos Sárvio M. Valente Portuguese Smart-Map plugin
7 Uso do QGIS no Monitoramento e Fiscalização Ambiental 20h00 UTC Murilo Cardoso Portuguese Environment

Complete program (in portuguese)


No Name Role Contact
1 Narcélio de Sá Session planning and speaker coordination Contact Narcélio de Sá via the Telegram Channel username @narceliodesa

Adding more events

You can do this too! We really encourage others to follow our initiative, using the wiki page link below to organise your plans (just add a section below the last one). You can host virtual meetups in the Jitsi room, plan your next steps to take QGIS further down the road to world domination and much much more. We encourage language and region-specific huddles, documentation improvement sessions, bug fixing, making beautiful maps, and working together to do amazing things with QGIS.

We would really love to see more events offered from our country user groups and broader user base. The content can be at any skill level and in any language you like, and the times can overlap if needed. So please feel free to organise your activities on this wiki page. The QGIS Open Day is also an ideal time to hold virtual country user group meet-ups - please share your activities on the open day schedule, so that even people from outside of your country user group can benefit from your presentations. Contact me (see below) if you need help adding your events to the wiki page.

QGIS Open Day Promotion Materials

You can spread the word! We have prepared the following materials so that you may easily copy and paste the relevant contents to publish on your media platform of choice to let others know about these awesome events.

About QGIS Open Day

Dear QGIS Users

On Friday, 28th May 2021 we will be holding our monthly QGIS Open Day! What is a QGIS Open Day you may be wondering to yourself? It is an initiative to replace the wonderful community meetups we used to hold every six months when times were different. Like our in-person meetings, the event is organised on the principle of self-organisation and community participation.


  • QGIS Cutting Edge

Where to watch

Please see the event wiki page at QHF-May-2021 Wiki for all the details of times and links for participation.


Many of the events may be recorded and made available to users who couldn't make the live events. Youtube live streams should automatically be available for catch-up viewing. Be sure to check back here for updates!

  • Event:

Code of Conduct

Participants are kindly reminded to please read and observe our QGIS Code of Conduct and Diversity Statement to make these events a great experience for everyone!

Please contact me, Zinziswa Xakayi by email [email protected] or via the Telegram Channel username @zinzixakayi if you have any queries or need help setting up events.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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