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28th Contributor Meeting in Norrköping

Stefanos Natsis edited this page Mar 5, 2025 · 51 revisions

(2-)4-6 June 2025

The 2025 Contributor meeting will take place in Norrköping, Sweden. The meeting will be held in the student pub "Färgeriet" at Linköpings Universitet, Campus Norrköping - see location on OSM.

The main days of the contributor meeting will be 4-6 June - three full days.

Prior to the meeting, there is going to be QGIS User Conference, on 2-3 June. For the User Conference you will need to buy a ticket, details about the User Conference are available at During the conference, there will be room available for contributor meeting participants.

What is a Contributor Meeting?

A QGIS Contributor Meeting is a volunteer-driven event where contributors to the QGIS project from around the world get together in a common space. The event is normally three days in duration and we hold one or two such events each year. During these events, contributors to the QGIS project take the opportunity to plan their work, hold face-to-face discussions and present new improvements to the QGIS project that they have been working on. Everybody attending the event donates their time to the project for the days of the event.

As a project that is built primarily through online collaboration, these meetings provide a crucial ingredient to the future development of the QGIS project. The event is planned largely as an ‘unconference’ with minimal structured programme planning. We do this to allow attendees the freedom to meet dynamically with those they encounter at the event. Those sessions that are planned are advertised on the event web page and we try to enable remote participation through video conferencing software. Although our hosts are not funded and donate the working space to us, we show our appreciation by making one of our software release’s splash screens in honour of that host, which is a great way to gain exposure of your institution and country to the hundreds of thousands of users that make use of QGIS.

Code of conduct

When attending our meetings we ask you to please abide by the QGIS diversity statement and Code of Conduct. We also ask attendees to respect local laws, customs and culture and be good ambassadors for the QGIS project.




Attendants need to organize their own accommodation. Norrköping offers a wide variety of hotels at different price points. More information here:

Transportation - How to arrive

You find all the transportation information on the conference page:


You can apply for refund of travel cost to [email protected] - Deadline for application 2 weeks before the event. Use this form to apply for funding support.


Add your name by editing this page. If you'd like to attend workshops at the Onboarding Day, please subscribe for those as well at the bottom of this page. Going to the User Conference too? Please subscribe at the UC website.

# Name Country Arrival Time Depart. Time Place to stay Notes/Diet Shirt size Email
1 Karl-Magnus Jönsson SE 1/06 15:00 5/06 18:00 TBD anything M [email protected]
2 Kurt Menke DK 2/06 TBD 5/06 TBD TBD anything XL [email protected]
3 Rasmus Ewehag SE 1/06 TBD 6/06 TBD TBD anything M [email protected]
4 Jan Dalheimer SE 1/06 TBD 6/06 TBD TBD anything L [email protected]
5 Diethard Jansen NL 1/06 18:00 6/06 16:00 Turistgården anything S [email protected]
6 Peter Gipper DE 1/06 17:00 6/06 12:00 TBD anything L [email protected]
7 Michael Schmuki CH 2/06 08:30 6/06 12:00 TBD anything L [email protected]
8 Marco Bernasocchi CH TBD TBD 6/06 TBD TBD anything L [email protected]
9 Björn Hinkeldey DE 1/06 TBD 6/06 TBD TBD pescetarian L [email protected]
10 Raymond Nijssen NL TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD anything M [email protected]
11 Hans van der Kwast NL TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD anything M [email protected]
12 Dave Signer CH 2/06 08:30 6/06 9:00 TBD vegetarian L [email protected]
13 Jorge Gustavo PT 1/06 18:00 6/06 TBD AirBnB anything M [email protected]
14 Vedran Stojnović HR 1/06 18:00 6/06 15:00 Hotel Drott anything XL [email protected]
15 Jeroen Hovens NL TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD no shellfish XL [email protected]
16 Giovanni Manghi PT 2/06 18:00 6/06 08:00 Pronova Hotell & Vandrarhem anything XL [email protected]
17 Stefanos Natsis GR 1/06 TBD 6/06 TBD TBD L [email protected]

Individual Preparation

  • Bring your own laptop (and power supply and adapter!).


Always bring your favorite sports gear to contributor meetings and find out who will join you for some exercise.

Onboarding Day

  • Introduction for new contributors

(feel free to make additions)

Contributor Meeting

  • Tips, handover and good-to-knows from current organizers to next years'.

(feel free to make additions)

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