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23rd Contributors Meeting in Bucharest

Johannes van der Kwast edited this page Aug 25, 2019 · 81 revisions

23rd Contributors Meeting in Bucharest

Period and location

The QGIS contributors meeting (QCM) will take place from 23 to 25 August, right before FOSS4G Bucharest 2019. The first two days of FOSS4G, 26-27, are the workshop days. For those who will stay for the FOSS4G but are not busy with the workshops can easily continue the QCM. The FOSS4G workshops will take place in the same building as the QCM.

So, the meeting will probably take place for the full period, from 23 to 27 August.

The venue is the University of Bucharest, one of the oldest education institutions in Romania, founded in 1864. More specific, the Faculty of Geography.

What is a contributors meeting?

A QGIS Contributors Meeting is a volunteer-driven event where contributors to the QGIS project from around the world get together in a common space - usually a university campus. The event is normally three days in duration and we hold two such events each year. During these events, contributors to the QGIS project take the opportunity to plan their work, hold face-to-face discussions and present new improvements to the QGIS project that they have been working on. Everybody attending the event donates their time to the project for the days of the event. As a project that is built primarily through online collaboration, these meetings provide a crucial ingredient to the future development of the QGIS project. The event is planned largely as an ‘unconference’ with minimal structured programme planning. We do this to allow attendees the freedom to meet dynamically with those they encounter at the event. Those sessions that are planned are advertised on the event web page and we try to enable remote participation through video conferencing software. Although our hosts are not funded and donate the working space to us, we show our appreciation by making one of our software release’s splash screens in honour of that host, which is a great way to gain exposure of your institution and country to the hundreds of thousands of users that make use of QGIS.

Code of conduct

When attending our meetings we ask you to please abide by the QGIS diversity statement and Code of Conduct. We also ask attendees to respect local laws, customs and culture and be good ambassadors for the QGIS project.



Tudor Bărăscu [email protected]



  • Sponsors needed!




Please refer to the dedicated page of the FOSS4G2019 conference to find suitable accommodation. Please be aware that Bucharest is a popular destination at the end of August because of different festivals, such as music festival George Enescu, so consider booking in advance.


  • TBD

Transportation. How to arrive. About the area.



You can apply for refund of travel cost to [email protected] - Deadline for application 2 weeks before the event. Use this form to apply for funding support.


!!!IMPORTANT!!!! : Arrival and departure date/time for planning accommodation and food. Also remember to add e-mail.

# Name Arrival Time Depart. Time Room/Shelter/Tent Country Share with Notes/Food Email
1 Paolo Cavallini TBC TBC TBC TBC Room IT - Food: anything [email protected]
2 Tudor Bărăscu TBC TBC TBC TBC - RO - Food: anything [email protected]
3 Tim Sutton TBC TBC TBC TBC Room PT Food: vegetarian [email protected]
4 Yoichi Kayama 22.Aug 11:55 31.Aug 0:35 Room JP - Food:anything [email protected]
5 Alessandro Pasotti 23.Aug 12 27.Aug TBC Room IT - Food: anything [email protected]
6 Rasmus Slot 23.Aug 8:00 29.Aug 12:00 Room DK - Food: vegan [email protected]
7 Jorge Gustavo Rocha 23.Aug IB3656 04:15am 31.Aug AA792 6:40pm AirBnB PT Can share Food: anything [email protected]
8 Ion Alexandru MECA 23.Aug TBC 01.Sept TBC - RO - Food: anything [email protected]
9 Raul RADU 23.Aug TBC 01.Sept TBC - RO - Food: anything [email protected]
10 Marco Bernasocchi 25.Aug 12:00 30.Aug TBC - CH - Food: anything [email protected]
11 Mario Baranzini 25.Aug 12:00 30.Aug? TBC - CH - Food: anything [email protected]
12 Matthias Kuhn 23. Aug 15:20 31. Aug 16:00 - CH - Food: anything [email protected]
13 Denis Rouzaud 22.Aug? 26.Aug? TBD TBD - CH - Food: anything [email protected]
14 Andreas Neumann 22.Aug evening 30.Aug evening Z-Hotel CH - Food: anything [email protected]
15 Raymond Nijssen 22.Aug 13:10 26.Aug TBD - NL - Food: anything [email protected]
16 Hans van der Kwast 23.Aug 17:20 25.Aug TBD AirBnB NL - Food: anything [email protected]
17 Erik Meerburg 23.Aug 13:10 30.Aug 18:10 AirBnB NL - Food: anything [email protected]
18 David Erill 23.Aug TBD 28.Aug TBD TBD ES - Food: anything [email protected]
19 Áron Gergely 22.Aug 13:10 26.Aug TBD Room NL Can share Food: anything [email protected]
20 Claudia Dragoste 25.Aug 14:00 01.Sept TBC Airbnb ES - Food: anything [email protected]
21 Martin Dobias 23.Aug 18:00 31.Aug 9:00 Airbnb SK - Food: anything [email protected]
22 Peter Petrik TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC SK - Food: anything [email protected]
23 Germán Carrillo 22.Aug TBC 1.Sep TBC Room CO - Food: anything [email protected]
24 Sergio Ramírez 22.Aug TBC 31.Aug TBC Room CO - Food: anything [email protected]
25 Carmen Díez 25.Aug TBC 30.Aug TBC Room ES - Food: anything [email protected]
26 Jürgen Fischer 22. Aug. 18:20 30. Aug 19:25 Z-Hotel DE - Food: anything [email protected]
27 Ismail Sunni 22. Aug 19:25 2 Sept 06:00 AirBnB ID/DE - Food: muslim halal food [email protected]
28 Rosa Aguilar 24 Aug. 17:20 27 Aug TBC - NL - Food: anything [email protected]
29 Gavin Fleming 22 Aug. 14:30 30 Aug 11:00 Airbnb ZA - Food: anything [email protected]
30 Régis Haubourg 24 Aug. 14:30 31 Aug 11:00 Liad Hotel FR - Food: anything
31 Julien Cabieces 24 Aug. 15:00 29 Aug 16:00 Liad Hotel FR - Food: anything [email protected]
32 Éric Lemoine 24 Aug. 14:30 31 Aug 11:00  Liad Hotel FR  - Food: anything [email protected]
33 Stephen Knox 26 Aug 22:55 30 Aug 15:35 Athina Suites UK - Food: anything. Keen to meet on Tuesday 27th if people still around [email protected]/[email protected]

Mentor streams

If you are coming to a QGIS Contributors event for the first time, you may be a little lost and confused about what you should do when you get there. For this event (and hopefully future events if it works well), we will have mentors to help you get started in the QGIS Community. If you would like to be a mentor for a topic not listed, add a new table below. If you need mentorship, add your name to the appropriate table below:

Making your first Pull Request to QGIS

SCHEDULED: Sat. 24th 10:00am

This is a mentored walkthrough of the entire process of getting your development environment set up, building QGIS and fixing your first small issue, submitting a Pull Request and having it approved by someone in the community.

Stream leader: Alessandro Pasotti

Video conference link:


# Name Email
1 Shiva Reddy Koti [email protected]
2 Rasmus Slot [email protected]
3 Ion Alexandru MECA [email protected]
4 Raul RADU [email protected]
5 David Erill [email protected]

Making your first Pull Request to QGIS Documentation

This is a mentored walkthrough of the entire process of getting your documentation environment set up, building QGIS docs and fixing your first small issue, submitting a Pull Request and having it approved by someone in the community.

Stream leader: e.g. Yves Jacolin

Video conference link:


# Name Email
1 Rasmus Slot [email protected]
2 Ion Alexandru MECA [email protected]
3 Raul RADU [email protected]
4 Erik Meerburg [email protected]

Reporting and validating bug reports

This is a mentored walkthrough of the entire process of creating a new issue on the QGIS issue tracker, verifying existing issues and generally participating in the effort to triage the issue queue.

Stream leader: e.g. Giovanni Manghi


# Name Email
1 Rasmus Slot [email protected]
2 Ion Alexandru Meca [email protected]
3 Raul RADU [email protected]

Writing tests for QGIS

This is a mentored walkthrough of the entire process of creating and running tests for QGIS. Contributing tests to QGIS can hugely help improve the quality of the code base and prevent regressions from coming into the code. you should already have python or C++ skills and a working QGIS development environment to participate in this stream.

Stream leader: e.g. Matthias Kuhn


# Name Email
1 Shiva Reddy Koti [email protected]
2 Ion Alexandru Meca [email protected]
3 Raul RADU [email protected]
4 David Erill [email protected]
5 Áron Gergely [email protected]
6 Rasmus Slot [email protected]
7 Yoichi Kayama [email protected]

QGIS Certification Birds of a Feather

Stream leader: e.g. Tim Sutton

Video link: Topic:

Time: Aug 25, 2019 03:00 PM Bucharest

Wiki: Link


# Name Email
1 Ion Alexandru Meca [email protected]
2 Raul RADU [email protected]
3 Tim Sutton [email protected]
4 Hans van der Kwast [email protected]
5 Erik Meerburg [email protected]
6 Rasmus Slot [email protected]
7 Kurt Menke [email protected]
8 Giovanni Manghi [email protected]
9 Paolo Cavallini [email protected]
10 Germán Carrillo [email protected]

QGIS Python plugins management

Stream leader: Paolo Cavallini

Video link: Topic:

Time: Aug 25, 2019 04:00 PM Bucharest


# Name Email
1 Paolo Cavallini [email protected]

The QGIS organization and how to become part of it

This is a presentation of the organization structure and different tasks within it. This should be a good starting point for first-time contributors meeting visitors who are looking for a way to be helpful in the project.

Stream leader: Tim Sutton


# Name Email
1 Shiva Reddy Koti [email protected]
2 Rasmus Slot [email protected]
3 Ion Alexandru Meca [email protected]
4 Raul RADU [email protected]

Individual Preparation

  • Bring your own computer (and power supply!). Power socket etc. details [here]



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