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2. C4C: questions.json

MCastro720 edited this page Jun 8, 2022 · 7 revisions



The questions file contains all the questions and their corresponding answers as options. This file does not represent the order that questions are asked - it is merely an inventory of the questions that may be asked and their possible answers. Which questions and in what order they are asked is controlled by the algorithm file. This file also does not represent the way the question appears to the actual user of the bot. The wording of individual questions is controlled by what is written in POEditor. Strings on this file is related to a term in POEditor, the tool used for translations and localisation. To learn more about the C4C multilingual feature, click here.

Each question is defined by a keyword in double quotes and can have one or more options. As in the example below, the question "factor1" (I'll give you some options to choose from. Tell me which one is most important to you when considering contraception.) has 3 options: "Effectiveness" (Efficient method), "Privacy" (Discrete method), and "FewSideEffects" (Method with few side effects).

The file is written using JSON notation. To learn more about the basic notation used in JSON, click here.

"factor1": {
        "options": {
            "Effectiveness": "",
            "Privacy": "",
            "FewSideEffects": ""

The following tables present the terms (keywords) available for the algorithm file:


Keyword Translation
gender How do you identify yourself? It helps me to better meet your needs.
futurePregnancy Do you want to be pregnant in the future?
breastFeeding Are you breastfeeding a baby less than 6 months old?
age How old are you?
factor1 I'll give you some options to choose from. Tell me which one is most important to you when considering contraception.
factor2 And which of the following three options is the most important to you?
factors2vs1 Compared to '{{FACTOR_1}}', how important is '{{FACTOR_2}}'?
factor3 Finally, which of the following three options is most important to you?
factors3vs12 Compared to '{{FACTOR_1}}' AND '{{FACTOR_2}}', how important is '{{FACTOR_3}}'?



Keyword Translation
Sterilization Sterilization
Implant Implant
Injectables Injectables
POP Progesterone Pills
COP Combined Pills
Condoms Condoms
Cyclebeads Cyclebeads

Factor 1

Keyword Translation
Effectiveness Efficient method
Privacy Discrete method
FewSideEffects Method with few side effects

Factor 2

Keyword Translation
EasyToStop Easy to stop using
EasyToForget I get it and I forget it!
Effectiveness Efficiency
Privacy Discretion
FewSideEffects Few side effects
SelfAdministered Self-administered

Factor 3

Keyword Translation
EasyToStop Easy to stop using
EasyToForget I get it and I forget it!
Effectiveness Efficiency
Privacy Discretion
FewSideEffects Few side effects
SelfAdministered Self-administered

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Adding new questions/options

This file is intended to be modified by a developer. If a new question or option is required contact the C4C technical administrator and provide the names of the questions and options. In case the option is for an existing question, indicate the question (keyword) in which the new option will be located.

Remove questions/options

If a question or option needs to be removed, contact the the C4C technical administrator. Provide the keyword or name of the element to remove. Do not intend to remove the question directly, as this can damage the file.

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