"Android app built with jetpack compose that displays data from the Open Library API. The home screen will show a list of already read books, each featuring an cover , title and author name. When a user selects a book, it will be navigated to a detail screen with more in-depth information about that book. The project complies to SOLID principles and follow a clean architecture design pattern. "
- Kotlin
- Jetpack Compose for the UI
- Hilt for DI
- RX Kotlin & Flow - for making asynchronous calls
- Retrofit - for networking
- mockk - for unit testing
- Coil - Image Loader library.
- Lottie - for animation
- Book List- Lists all the books already read with cover image ,title and author name
- Book Details - Displays the details of selected book with the extra details
- SOLID PRINCIPLE - The app follows SOLID design principles to ensure scalability and maintainability.
- CLEAN CODE ARCHITECTURE -The app's architecture is designed to be clean, separating concerns into distinct layers (e.g., UI, Domain, Data).
- MODULAR - The app codebase is modularized by layers (UI, Data, Domain), with the Domain module being independent of the other modules.
- DESIGN PATTERN - Application is developed using Test-Driven Development (TDD) and follows the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) design pattern
- RX kotlin can be optimized for more scalability
- Furthermore cosmetics and refactoring is an endless thought