Replaced by @octokit/auth-app
NodeJS module for building GitHub Apps.
npm install --save github-app
const createApp = require('github-app');
const app = createApp({
// Your app id
id: 987,
// The private key for your app, which can be downloaded from the
// app's settings:
cert: require('fs').readFileSync('private-key.pem')
Authenticate as an installation, returning a github API client, which can be used to call any of the APIs supported by GitHub Apps:
//Modify value according to getInstallations return(example in asApp section)
var installationId = 99999;
app.asInstallation(installationId).then(github => {
owner: 'foo',
repo: 'bar',
number: 999,
body: 'hello world!'
Authenticate as an app, also returning an instance of the GitHub API client.
app.asApp().then(github => {