Primer Web
Primer Web
- Simplified avatars and added the property of "Stackable" which allows for the 20px stackable avatar to be enabled from the base Avatar component.
- Replaced Stackable avatar with modified Avatar component in "Stacking combination"
- Avatars now follow the same properties as seen in code. We have removed the difference between User vs Entity and have simplified to state if the avatar visually appears as a circle or a square using the variant property booleans.
- Button variants have been improved to include toggles for the leading icon, counter, and dropdown
Note: Currently icons don't correctly change color. This can be remidied for now with by resetting the icon and the button's correct icon color will appear but the icon will need to be swapped again.
Note: Descriptions are still supplied to denote correct avatar usage between the circle and square shapes.
💥Breaking changes
- Removed Stackable avatar
🐛Bug fix
- Avatar updates have been pushed to components that consume the Avatar
- Counters were updated to use the the new auto layout and the default size option has been changed to medium (@vdepizzol)
- Sponsor button has been fixed on Repohead component (@mkwng)
- List headers now properly use auto layout (@adrianmg)
- Components built using the Button component have been updated to use the latest button component