PresentTableViewModel provides a simple, fluent style API for creation of UITableViews using your own model and cell classes.
The table view model serves as the your table view's dataSource
, handling the boilerplate of managing an array of your model objects. Your tables can have multiple sections, each with its own model and cell type. Search and selection logic is configured for each section simply by providing code blocks that work with your model type.
pod 'PresentTableViewModel', :git => ''
For more information see (
Check out the demo project for a complete working example.
We'll start with a simple Person
model and PersonCell
. The cell is a plain UITableViewCell that adopts the TableViewModelCell
protocol to let us know what type of model it works with.
struct Person {
let image: UIImage
let name: String
class PersonCell: UITableViewCell, TableViewModelCell {
typealias ModelType = Person
func apply(model person: Person) {
self.textLabel?.text =
self.imageView?.image = person.image
Now we initialize a UITableView
and bind a Present TableViewModel
as its data source. We add a section to the table view, specifying our PersonCell
as the cell type and provide an array of our Person
models when ready.
let tableView = UITableView()
let tableViewModel = TableViewModel()
tableView.bind(model: tableViewModel)
let personSection = tableViewModel.addSection(cellType: PersonCell.self)
personSection.items = people // [Person]
To be notified of selected cells provide a select
.select { person in ... }
or using Rx via the selected
tableViewModel { person in ... })
To support search / filtering simply supply a filter block accepting your model type and the search text string, e.g.:
.filter { person, searchText in
The search text is applied to the tableViewModel (all sections) via the searchText
property. See the demo application for a full example.
By default empty sections are hidden. To show sections with no visible cells change the hideEmptySections
hideEmptySections = true
We are open sourcing this and other components that we found useful during the development of our commercial application. We welcome any feedback, and discussion.