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Add Fortran elastic-tube-1d solvers (#606)
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YonatanGM authored Jan 29, 2025
1 parent 5373c4d commit b5fb449
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Showing 12 changed files with 687 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions changelog-entries/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
- Added Fortran solvers for the elastic-tube-1d tutorial (using the intrinsic Fortran bindings).
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions elastic-tube-1d/fluid-fortran/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
project(ElasticTube LANGUAGES Fortran C)

set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Debug" CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build." FORCE)
"Debug" "Release" "MinSizeRel" "RelWithDebInfo")
message(STATUS "Build configuration: ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}")

# Add bounds check and warnings in debug build
set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -Wall -Wextra -fbounds-check")

find_package(precice 3 REQUIRED CONFIG)
find_package(LAPACK REQUIRED)


target_link_libraries(FluidSolver PRIVATE precice::precice)
target_link_libraries(FluidSolver PRIVATE ${LAPACK_LIBRARIES} ${LAPACK_LINKER_FLAGS})

8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions elastic-tube-1d/fluid-fortran/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
set -e -u

. ../../tools/

rm -rvf ./output/*.vtk
clean_precice_logs .
clean_case_logs .
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions elastic-tube-1d/fluid-fortran/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e -u

. ../../tools/
exec > >(tee --append "$LOGFILE") 2>&1

if [ ! -d build ]; then
mkdir build
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build

mkdir -p output

./build/FluidSolver ../precice-config.xml

182 changes: 182 additions & 0 deletions elastic-tube-1d/fluid-fortran/src/FluidComputeSolution.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
module FluidComputeSolution
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(1.0d0)


subroutine fluid_compute_solution(velocity_old, pressure_old, &
crossSectionLength_old, crossSectionLength, t, N, kappa, tau, &
velocity, pressure, info)

real(dp), intent(in) :: velocity_old(:), pressure_old(:)
real(dp), intent(in) :: crossSectionLength_old(:), crossSectionLength(:)
real(dp), intent(in) :: t
integer, intent(in) :: N
real(dp), intent(in) :: kappa, tau
real(dp), intent(inout) :: velocity(:), pressure(:)
integer, intent(out) :: info

! Local variables
integer :: i, k
real(dp), parameter :: PI = 3.141592653589793_dp
real(dp), parameter :: e = 10000.0_dp
real(dp), parameter :: c_mk2 = e / 2.0_dp * sqrt(PI)
real(dp), parameter :: u0 = 10.0_dp, ampl = 3.0_dp, frequency = 10.0_dp, &
t_shift = 0.0_dp
real(dp), parameter :: tolerance = 1.0e-15_dp
integer, parameter :: max_iterations = 50

real(dp) :: alpha, L, dx, velocity_in, tmp2, norm_1, norm_2, norm

! LAPACK Variables
integer :: nlhs, nrhs
real(dp), allocatable :: Res(:)
real(dp), allocatable :: LHS(:, :)
integer, allocatable :: ipiv(:)

nlhs = 2*N + 2
nrhs = 1

! Allocate arrays
allocate (Res(2*N + 2))
allocate (LHS(2*N + 2, 2*N + 2))
allocate (ipiv(nlhs))

velocity = velocity_old
pressure = pressure_old

! Stabilization intensity
alpha = 0.0 !(N * kappa * tau) / (N * tau + 1);
L = 10.0
dx = L/kappa !1.0 / (N * kappa);

! Output status from dgesv (0 = success, < 0 = invalid argument, > 0 = singular matrix)
info = 0

! Nonlinear solver loop
do k = 1, max_iterations
! Initialize residual vector
Res = 0.0

! Compute residuals
do i = 2, N ! Adjusted for 1-based indexing
! Momentum
Res(i) = (velocity_old(i)*crossSectionLength_old(i) - velocity(i)*crossSectionLength(i))*dx/tau
Res(i) = Res(i) + 0.25*(-crossSectionLength(i + 1)*velocity(i)*velocity(i + 1) - &
crossSectionLength(i)*velocity(i)*velocity(i + 1))
Res(i) = Res(i) + 0.25*(-crossSectionLength(i + 1)*velocity(i)**2 - &
crossSectionLength(i)*velocity(i)**2 + &
crossSectionLength(i)*velocity(i - 1)*velocity(i) + &
crossSectionLength(i - 1)*velocity(i - 1)*velocity(i))
Res(i) = Res(i) + 0.25*(crossSectionLength(i - 1)*velocity(i - 1)**2 + &
crossSectionLength(i)*velocity(i - 1)**2)
Res(i) = Res(i) + 0.25*(crossSectionLength(i - 1)*pressure(i - 1) + &
crossSectionLength(i)*pressure(i - 1) - &
crossSectionLength(i - 1)*pressure(i) + &
crossSectionLength(i + 1)*pressure(i) - &
crossSectionLength(i)*pressure(i + 1) - &
crossSectionLength(i + 1)*pressure(i + 1))

! Continuity
Res(i + N + 1) = (crossSectionLength_old(i) - crossSectionLength(i))*dx/tau
Res(i + N + 1) = Res(i + N + 1) + 0.25*(crossSectionLength(i - 1)*velocity(i - 1) + &
crossSectionLength(i)*velocity(i - 1) + &
crossSectionLength(i - 1)*velocity(i) - &
crossSectionLength(i + 1)*velocity(i) - &
crossSectionLength(i)*velocity(i + 1) - &
crossSectionLength(i + 1)*velocity(i + 1))
Res(i + N + 1) = Res(i + N + 1) + alpha*(pressure(i - 1) - 2.0*pressure(i) + pressure(i + 1))
end do

! Boundary conditions
velocity_in = u0 + ampl*sin(frequency*(t + t_shift)*PI)
Res(1) = velocity_in - velocity(1)
! Pressure Inlet is linearly interpolated
Res(N + 2) = -pressure(1) + 2.0*pressure(2) - pressure(3)
! Velocity Outlet is linearly interpolated
Res(N + 1) = -velocity(N + 1) + 2.0*velocity(N) - velocity(N - 1)
! Pressure Outlet is "non-reflecting"
tmp2 = sqrt(c_mk2 - pressure_old(N + 1)/2.0) - &
(velocity(N + 1) - velocity_old(N + 1))/4.0
Res(2*N + 2) = -pressure(N + 1) + 2.0*(c_mk2 - tmp2**2)

! Compute residual norm
norm_1 = sqrt(sum(Res**2))
norm_2 = sqrt(sum(pressure**2) + sum(velocity**2))
norm = norm_1/norm_2

if ((norm < tolerance .and. k > 1) .or. k > max_iterations) then
end if

! Initialize the LHS matrix
LHS = 0.0

! Populate LHS matrix
do i = 2, N
! Momentum, Velocity
LHS(i, i - 1) = LHS(i, i - 1) + 0.25*(-2.0*crossSectionLength(i - 1)*velocity(i - 1) - &
2.0*crossSectionLength(i)*velocity(i - 1) - &
crossSectionLength(i)*velocity(i) - crossSectionLength(i - 1)*velocity(i))
LHS(i, i) = LHS(i, i) + crossSectionLength(i)*dx/tau + &
0.25*(crossSectionLength(i + 1)*velocity(i + 1) + &
crossSectionLength(i)*velocity(i + 1) + &
2.0*crossSectionLength(i + 1)*velocity(i) + &
2.0*crossSectionLength(i)*velocity(i) - &
crossSectionLength(i)*velocity(i - 1) - crossSectionLength(i - 1)*velocity(i - 1))
LHS(i, i + 1) = LHS(i, i + 1) + 0.25*(crossSectionLength(i + 1)*velocity(i) + &

! Momentum, Pressure
LHS(i, N + 1 + i - 1) = LHS(i, N + 1 + i - 1) - 0.25*crossSectionLength(i - 1) - &
LHS(i, N + 1 + i) = LHS(i, N + 1 + i) + 0.25*crossSectionLength(i - 1) - &
0.25*crossSectionLength(i + 1)
LHS(i, N + 1 + i + 1) = LHS(i, N + 1 + i + 1) + 0.25*crossSectionLength(i) + &
0.25*crossSectionLength(i + 1)
! Continuity, Velocity
LHS(i + N + 1, i - 1) = LHS(i + N + 1, i - 1) - 0.25*crossSectionLength(i - 1) - &
LHS(i + N + 1, i) = LHS(i + N + 1, i) - 0.25*crossSectionLength(i - 1) + &
0.25*crossSectionLength(i + 1)
LHS(i + N + 1, i + 1) = LHS(i + N + 1, i + 1) + 0.25*crossSectionLength(i) + &
0.25*crossSectionLength(i + 1)

! Continuity, Pressure
LHS(i + N + 1, N + 1 + i - 1) = LHS(i + N + 1, N + 1 + i - 1) - alpha
LHS(i + N + 1, N + 1 + i) = LHS(i + N + 1, N + 1 + i) + 2.0*alpha
LHS(i + N + 1, N + 1 + i + 1) = LHS(i + N + 1, N + 1 + i + 1) - alpha
end do

! Boundary conditions in LHS
! Velocity Inlet is prescribed
LHS(1, 1) = 1.0
! Pressure Inlet is linearly interpolated
LHS(N + 2, N + 2) = 1.0
LHS(N + 2, N + 3) = -2.0
LHS(N + 2, N + 4) = 1.0
! Velocity Outlet is linearly interpolated
LHS(N + 1, N + 1) = 1.0
LHS(N + 1, N) = -2.0
LHS(N + 1, N - 1) = 1.0
! Pressure Outlet is Non-Reflecting
LHS(2*N + 2, 2*N + 2) = 1.0
LHS(2*N + 2, N + 1) = -(sqrt(c_mk2 - pressure_old(N + 1)/2.0) - (velocity(N + 1) - velocity_old(N + 1))/4.0)

call dgesv(nlhs, nrhs, LHS, nlhs, ipiv, Res, nlhs, info)
if (info /= 0) then
write(*, *) "Linear Solver not converged!, Info: ", info
end if

! Update velocity and pressure
do i = 1, N + 1
velocity(i) = velocity(i) + Res(i)
pressure(i) = pressure(i) + Res(i + N + 1)
end do
end do

! Deallocate arrays
deallocate(Res, LHS, ipiv)

end subroutine fluid_compute_solution
end module FluidComputeSolution

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