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How To Release

Srishti Thakkar edited this page Jul 13, 2021 · 6 revisions

The steps for preparing for a new release are the following:

Create a Release on the GitHub

On the GitHub repository page, go to releases and create a new draft. On the draft:

  • Mention Tag Version (e.g. v0.1.3), Tag will be automatically created.
  • Mention Release title (e.g. 0.1.3)
  • Describe the changes went into this release in terms of bug fixes and features as part of the Release Notes.
  • Select the This is a pre-release if you are making a Release Candidate
  • Click Publish Release after reviewing the changes Once the release is created, a new git tag will automatically be created.
  • Create a pull request to bump up the BASE_VERSION field within the Makefile by incrementing the PATCH version and merge this change to the master. Bookkeeper Operator follows semantic versioning with the version being represented as MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH

Publishing images on the docker hub

  • Clone the repository and checkout to master branch(
  • git pull origin master. Make sure that latest commit is in sync with master.
  • Make sure all the docker images are deleted from your system
  • Execute make build command
  • Tag the image (e.g. pravega/bookkeeper-operator:0.1.3) If it is a stable release, tag the same image as latest as well.
  • Push the image to docker hub and ensure that image is visible in Dockerhub.

Updating Helm charts

  • Ensure that charts for this component are updated with correct image tag that is published in docker hub (e.g. pravega/bookkeeper-operator:0.1.3)
  • To release the updated helm charts, follow the instructions mentioned here
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