Introduction goes here.
- Add this extension to your Gemfile with this line:
gem 'payuindia', git: 'git://'
gem 'spree_payumoney_in', github: 'lareb/spree_payumoney_in'
- Install the gem using Bundler:
bundle install
- Restart your server
If your server was running, restart it so that it can find the assets properly.
- Add "Payumoney" Payment method from Admin panel
For testing purpose, user following key/salt
key: gtKFFx
salt: eCwWELxi
- Select PayuMoney payment option on Order Payment page
For testing purpose you can use following fake credit card info
Test Card Name: any name
Test Card Number: 5123456789012346
Test CVV: 123
Test Expiry: May 2020
If you'd like to contribute, please take a look at the instructions for installing dependencies and crafting a good pull request.
Copyright (c) 2017 [name of extension creator], released under the New BSD License