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Repository files navigation


Organizes tag-based editing workflows around a set of related directories.


This plugin uses the VimRepos file described in TODO. It maintains a list of repositories as specified in $(SrcRoot)VimRepos such that:

  • Each repository has both a user-friendly name and an integer ID
  • Each repository has a tags file at its root describing the symbols in that repository
  • At any given time, there is either one 'active' repository, or all repositories are active
  • Tag search operates upon the active repository (or upon all repositories, if so specified)
  • The user can easily cycle through active repositories via the 'next/previous repository' commands
  • A list of all repositories and their corresponding IDs can be displayed at any time
  • The user can specify the active repository by ID
  • By default the active repository always corresponds to the repository containing the active buffer


Use the "directory-based tag generation" instructions on TODO to generate tags files based on your VimRepos file. Optionally set up mappings in your .vimrc to make the plugin feature more easily accessible.

Sample mappings

Mappings like the following can be added to your .vimrc to make these features easily accessible:

command! -nargs=1 Repo call SetRepository(<f-args>)
cnoreabbrev repo repo<c-\>esubstitute(getcmdline(), '^repo\>', 'Repo', '')<enter>

command! -nargs=0 RepoList call ListRepositories()
cnoreabbrev repolist repolist<c-\>esubstitute(getcmdline(), '^repolist\>', 'RepoList', '')<enter>

" move to next/prev repository
nnoremap - :call IncDecRepository (1)<cr>
nnoremap _ :call IncDecRepository (0)<cr>

" Include all repositories in tags - on or off
command! -nargs=0 Ra call SetIncludeAllRepositories(1)
cnoreabbrev ra ra<c-\>esubstitute(getcmdline(), '^ra', 'Ra', '')<enter>

" Include only current repository in tags
command! -nargs=0 Rr call SetIncludeAllRepositories(0)
cnoreabbrev rr rr<c-\>esubstitute(getcmdline(), '^rr', 'Rr', '')<enter>

In this example, the - and _ keys cycle through previous/next active repository; :Ra causes tag search to search all repositories; :Repolist lists all repositories; etc.

vim-airline integration

I find it useful to display the name of the active repository in the airline status bar. The following line in my .vimrc enables this:

let g:airline_section_b = '%{GetCurrentRepositoryLabel()}'


Cross-directory tag-based navigation






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