PowerShell module for interacting with LogicMonitor API. Module under construction - NOT production ready. Use at your own peril.
Some examples:
Scheduled DownTime handling:
- Get-ServiceGroup -sgname 'web-login' | Set-ServiceGroupSDT -comment "down for maintenance" -hours 2
- Get-LMDeviceGroup -GroupName Exchange | Where fullpath -eq '1. Application/Exchange' | Set-DeviceGroupSDT -comment "Exchange Monthly Reboot"
- Get-LMDeviceGroup * | select name, fullpath, id | Where-Object fullpath -like "1. Application*" | Out-GridView -PassThru | % { Set-DeviceGroupSDT -Id $.Id -FullPath $.fullpath }
Alert handling:
- Get-LMDevice -computername 'SQL' | Get-DeviceAlerts
- Get-SvcAlerts | Get-SvcAlertDetails | Select internalId, monitorObjectName | Send-AlertACK
Remember to fill in PrivateData in module manifest (LogicMonitorAPI.psd1) with your values:
accessId = '';
accessKey = '';
LMAccount = ''