This Chrome Extension searches for meme image comments where users don't want to hotlink images and replaces the text with an image.
* notsureifserious.jpg
* citationneeded.jpg
* quizzicaldog.jpg
* whynotboth.jpg
* youdontsay.jpg
* thisiswhywecanthavenicethings.jpg
* wtfisthisshit.jpg
* wat.jpg
* fistofangrygod.jpg
* icame.jpg
* thisisdog.jpg
* iseewhatyoudidthere.jpg
* howaboutno.jpg
* wtfamIreading.jpg
* thatsthejoke.jpg
* no1curr.gif
* brilliant.jpg
* thisisanoutrage.jpg
* wecanjustignoreher.jpg
* golfclap.gif
* whothehellcares.jpg
* imokaywiththis.jpg
* iunderstoodthatreference.gif
* jonstewartfarkyou.gif
* oldnewsissoexciting.jpg
* smashingheadonkeyboard.gif
* topmen.gif
* homercereal.gif