GOAL: Create a series of minimal examples that aren't burried in tons of other code. We could use StackBlitz - but this will be more fun for the students to work on and get practice using Git in a group.
The main branch should stay clean and as minimal as possible (or as needed to suite our purpose). We can updated site-wide CSS there / and push into other branches as nessesary / or setup a sub-module?
- basic examples of common interface patterns
- various routing examples
- examples of different ways to compose stores
- basic testing examples
Everything will be in Vue 3 and use the composition api and setup pattern.
See Vite Configuration Reference.
npm install
npm run dev
npm run build
Push to staging / Surge
npm run deploy
will build and then push to surge
Run Unit Tests with Vitest
npm run test:unit
Lint with ESLint
npm run lint
Although prettier and ESLint should be doing their job while you work.
not sure how we'll structure this yet... will it be many branches / or will we be able to group things by folder? (the router will get way too huge though?)
we don't know why we need a CNAME in the root and in public for the CLI to pick it up for surge
we're afraid of submodules
- something to explain why you'd want to lazyload a route
- common main-menu toggle for small screens
- sub routes
- anything that is confusing with links to useful conversation and solution ideas