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Testing Vue.js Applications 2023

We're following along with the book Testing Vue.js Applications from 2018. The concepts are the same today, but the tooling has changed a bit.

  • webpack --> Vite
  • jest --> vitest
  • ? --> ?

We'll see as we go.

jest had a --watch mode but vitest seems to do that by default and with HMR

Order to introduce concepts vs implementation details...

Work out something loose here to chop up and scoot around later

What can you do with just vitest?

Basic examples

expects(something).toBe(something) expects(something.text()).toContain("string")

Talk about basic async situations

Right here ---- it would be good to go into as much exploration of the core vitest methods before adding other libraries ---

Why would you want to add in @vue/test-utils?

mounting components. helper functions and methods. mount(component) shallowMount() (gets you that "wrapper") text() find(selector) findAll(selector) attributes()

Why would you want to add in testing-library?


Current page in the book: 59