- 🔭 I’m currently working as Software Engineer at Globo.com
- 🌱 I’m currently responsible for creating adaptable authentication and authorization platforms at scale
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on great OSS projects with awesome people ❤️
- 💬 Ask me about OpenId Connect :-)
- 📫 How to reach me: ✉️
repo | language | description |
jaws | Go | JWT Swiss Army Knife |
go-lru-cache | Go | Go LRU memory-based cache |
vacuum | Go | A small and configurable logs cleaner tool |
call-it | Go | CLI program to execute multiple calls to an URL and create simple benchmarks |
cinepedia | Java | Cinepedia - An Android Movie Guide App |
Lambda Monitor | Go | AWS Lambda Monitor |
S3 Tools | Go | AWS S3 common utilities |
ISS Tracker | Go | An AWS Lambda function to track ISS coordinate and send it to a SQS queue |
ISS Notifier | Go | AWS SQS consumer that checks if a given ISS location is within a Lat/Lon range |
BakingApp | Java | Android Backing App |
Hypermnesia | Javascript | Fast and lightweight NodeJS cache engine |
Star Wars Plugin | Java | Star Wars Jenkins Plugin - May the force be with you |
Gem Explorer | Javascript | With gemExplorer you can make searches on rubygems.org's API through a simple Google Chrome Extension. |