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This is fine.

All of your kube or docker blowing up? This is fine.

This is fine.

Run on kubernetes:

kubectl run -it --rm tif

Run on docker:

docker run -it --rm

Building the image manually

Building in Kubernetes

Use BuildKit CLI for Kubectl with the command:

kubectl build -t thisisfine ./

or, you can build a multi-arch image which cross-compiles for each platform. You'll need to create a registry secret in kubernetes and push to a registry to make this work correctly.

read -s REG_SECRET
kubectl create secret docker-registry mysecret --docker-server='' --docker-username=tifdog --docker-password=$REG_SECRET
kubectl build ./ -t -f Dockerfile.cross --registry-secret my-secret --platform=linux/386,linux/amd64,linux/arm/v6,linux/arm/v7,linux/arm64,windows/amd64 --push

Building in Docker

To build a single image in Linux:

docker build -t thisisfine ./


  • Based upon KC Green's wonderful comic strip Gunshow

  • Dog pixel art inspired by PH on Reddit

  • Animated with Go-AsciiSprite


Q: Why does this look like crap on my Mac?
A: Use iTerm2 instead of macOS's built-in Terminal app. Terminal screws up all of the line spacing.