I'm Paul Hunter, a passionate software developer with over a decade of experience in the tech industry. At 33, I've had the privilege of working on a wide range of projects, from small startups to large enterprises, and everything in between.
- 🔭 Currently working on: Open-source projects and freelance development.
- 🌱 Learning: Advanced machine learning and AI techniques.
- 👯 Looking to collaborate on: Innovative and impactful open-source projects.
- 🤔 Interested in: Big data, cybersecurity, and blockchain technology.
- 💬 Ask me about: Full-stack development, cloud computing, and DevOps.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I have a black belt in karate and love hiking in the mountains.
- Languages: Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, C++
- Frameworks: React, Angular, Django, Flask, Spring Boot
- Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis
- DevOps: Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD
- Cloud: AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform