Releases: parseablehq/console
Releases · parseablehq/console
Bugfix release v0.9.20
What's Changed
- remove redundant alerts api call by @Koustavd18 in #440
- Correlation dot notation fix by @praveen5959 in #441
- feat: allow 1 custom partition field in stream creation by @nikhilsinhaparseable in #442
- Stats response changes by @praveen5959 in #443
Full Changelog: v0.9.19...v0.9.20
Feature release v0.9.19
What's Changed
- fix: Removed /info call dependancy from explore page by @praveen5959 in #431
- fix: Filters dropdown text fix in case of undefined by @praveen5959 in #432
- Esc key press to close querier modal by @Koustavd18 in #434
- hot tier refresh by @Koustavd18 in #429
- fix: Page crash on navigating to /explore from manage page by @praveen5959 in #430
- escape to close modals by @Koustavd18 in #438
- fix: Font size fixes on explore & correlation page by @praveen5959 in #437
- fix: Detect schema JSON type fix by @praveen5959 in #436
- fix: JSON view CSS fixes by @praveen5959 in #435
- fix: Full width for JSON view rows by @praveen5959 in #433
- feat: Log Count for correlation page by @praveen5959 in #428
Full Changelog: v0.9.18...v0.9.19
Feature release v0.9.18
fix: Lint issues fixed for correlation CRUD operations (#426)
Feature release v0.9.17
What's Changed
- feat: Correlation feature by @praveen5959 in #394
- Deprecate Message on alerts for standalone by @Koustavd18 in #420
- SQL Modal Changes by @Koustavd18 in #413
- feat: Toggle Upgrade btn based on Enterprise license by @praveen5959 in #412
- live tail hidden by @Koustavd18 in #421
- Redux/setup by @Koustavd18 in #418
- Moved graph query to /datebin by @praveen5959 in #422
- feat: Making JSON view as default view by @praveen5959 in #419
- Footer count render independent of logs table by @Koustavd18 in #423
Full Changelog: v0.9.16...v0.9.17
Bug fix v0.9.16
What's Changed
- Updated Logos by @Koustavd18 in #416
- fix: Line SHare HTTP Secure condition removed by @praveen5959 in #415
Full Changelog: v0.9.15...v0.9.16
What's Changed
- fix: Column filter cas sensitive fix by @praveen5959 in #408
- fix: Column list scroll issue & Row actions btn fix by @praveen5959 in #409
- Deprecate Trino Support by @Koustavd18 in #410
- fix: Retry on error should show success data by @praveen5959 in #406
- Fix Build by @Koustavd18 in #414
Full Changelog: v0.9.14...v0.9.15
What's Changed
- fix: Fixed empty stream loading state by @praveen5959 in #407
Full Changelog: v0.9.13...v0.9.14
Features release v0.9.13
What's Changed
- Improve: UX and DX in delete and reset modals by @pranavgoel29 in #382
- feat: Collapse feature for LogTable sidebar. by @praveen5959 in #378
- feat: Moving timeRange to AppStore by @praveen5959 in #384
- fix: Handling dashboard saved filters for old filters by @praveen5959 in #385
- Fixed few ESLint issues by @praveen5959 in #387
- feat: Add Autocomplete for Value Selection in RuleView Component by @praveen5959 in #391
- fix: Column filtering logic based on fitleredData by @praveen5959 in #389
- fix: Time picker bug fix by @praveen5959 in #390
- feat: Line share feature intial commit by @praveen5959 in #388
- Table Cell background color fix by @Koustavd18 in #392
- Url params by @Koustavd18 in #371
- Dynamic Font Size by @Koustavd18 in #393
- Footer count query fix by @Koustavd18 in #398
- Revert Dynamic Font Size by @Koustavd18 in #400
- fix: Fixed input and dropdown styles by @praveen5959 in #397
- fix: Added default date for calendar widget by @praveen5959 in #401
- Fixed the loading state when stats was error by @praveen5959 in #396
- Fix: Edit Tile Modal Dashboards by @Koustavd18 in #404
- Limit Filter builder rules by @Koustavd18 in #405
- Removed Caching from console by @Koustavd18 in #403
Full Changelog: v0.9.12...v0.9.13
Bug fix release v0.9.12
What's Changed
- fix: Add or update OFFSET clause in query by @praveen5959 in #376
- fix: handle null userRoles in stream metadata fetching logic by @praveen5959 in #383
Full Changelog: v0.9.11...v0.9.12
Bugfix release v0.9.11
What's Changed
- Minor improvements and fixes by @pranavgoel29 in #369
- UX improvement delete dashboard modal by @pranavgoel29 in #368
- Removing OFFSET during SQL sanitisation by @praveen5959 in #367
- Upgrade to useQuery by @Koustavd18 in #360
- Moving the /info API call on stream load by @praveen5959 in #372
- fix: useGetStreamInfo refetchOnMount API call fix by @praveen5959 in #374
- Home page automation by @praveen5959 in #370
- Adding users -> roles tests automation by @pranavgoel29 in #373
- fix: Fixed the header and NoStreamView on empty stream case by @praveen5959 in #379
- Dashboard Page: Add saved filters SQL query to the editor by @praveen5959 in #361
- fix: Removed unused variables from login.spec.ts by @praveen5959 in #380
Full Changelog: v0.9.10...v0.9.11