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Steffensen's Method

Oscar Veliz edited this page Jun 26, 2020 · 9 revisions

Steffensen's Method video

The video covering Steffensen's Method and Aitken's Δ² Method can be found here Example code is given in Steffensen.sml file, written in SML/NJ it has Aitken's Δ² Method and both versions of Steffensen's Method. You can run the program online from CodingGround. To run the program locally have SML/NJ installed ( then type sml Steffensen.smlin the terminal in the directory where Steffensen.sml is saved. If you'd rather not use the terminal use an IDE instead like Geany to run the program (change the execute option to sml %e.sml).

Reference links:

Generalized Aitken-Steffensen

Generalized Aitken-Steffensen Method video

The video showing how to derive generalized Aitken's Δ² Method and generalized Steffensen's Method can be found here. The code and documentation are given along with Fixed Point Iteration for Nonlinear Systems of Equations.

Reference Links: